05-09 December 2022, São Paulo

Brazilian Workshop in Banach Spaces

Butantã Edition

This workshop will focus on the following directions:

  • Ramsey theory and set theory;

  • Homological theory, lattices and interpolation;

  • Operator theory and dynamics of operators;

  • Nonlinear theory on Banach spaces.

The program includes three mini-courses and seven invited talks.

Participants will have the opportunity of giving contributed talks or presenting posters. Students are strongly encouraged to present a poster. Abstract submission is now open, please click here.

The meeting will take place in the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of São Paulo, which is located in Butantã, São Paulo city in Brazil. For further information about the venue, please click here.


Noé de Rancourt (U. Lille)

Étienne Matheron (U. d'Artois)

Eva Pernecka (Czech T. U. Prague)

Main Speakers

Florent Baudier (Texas A&M U.)

Frédéric Bayart (U. Clermont Auvergne)

Geraldo Botelho (U. F. Uberlândia)

Bruno M. Braga (PUC Rio de Janeiro)

Sofía Ortega Castillo (U. Guadalajara)

Pedro Tradacete (ICMAT - Madrid)

Scientific Committee

Dana Bartosova (U. Florida)

Christina Brech (U. São Paulo)

Jesús Castillo (U. Extremadura)

Valentin Ferenczi (U. São Paulo)

Eloi Medina Galego (U. São Paulo)

Sophie Grivaux (U. Lille)

Jordi Lopez-Abad (UNED)

Daniel Pellegrino (F. U. Paraíba)

Michael Rincón (I. U. Santander)

Organizing Committee

Christina Brech (U. São Paulo)

Alejandra Cáceres-Rigo (U. São Paulo)

Leandro Candido (F. U. São Paulo)

Willian Corrêa (U. São Paulo)

Wilson Cuellar (U. São Paulo)

Pedro Kaufmann (F. U. São Paulo)

Victor S. Ronchim (Unicentro)

This workshop is organized by the group of Geometry of Banach Spaces - São Paulo, with researchers from the University of São Paulo (USP) and the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp).