Click on the link below to log into Accelerated Reader and take a quiz, or to take the STAR test.  You will need a teacher to approve your quiz and enter a password before you take the quiz.

Accelerated Reader/STAR Login

Username: ID Number

Password: 6 digit birthday (Example: 061710)

Searching for books with a corresponding Renaissance Accelerated Reader 360 quiz is easy with Accelerated Reader BookFinder.  You can search for book titles based on authors, topics, or titles of books. Just type what you want to search for in the blank field above and click Search.  Click on the link below for an introduction video that explains how to use.

 AR BookFinder

AR BookFinder Introduction Video

At the beginning and end of the school year, students will take the Renaissance Star Reading Assessment.  This tool provides all the insights needed to guide literacy growth for emergent readers, struggling readers, and high achievers.  For more information about the Star Reading Assessment, click on the link below. 

Renaissance Star Reading Assessment Information