I used to use the laptop for gaming about 2 years ago but stopped. Now I'm trying to get back into those same games and have found that they are incredibly slow - even with graphics at minimal. Some of the games tell me that my "graphics drivers are 597 days old" - which would match the date being shown as my driver date (5/19/2016). The problem is that when I go to intel to update my graphics driver, none of the ones I try (which I believe match my specifications) will successfully download because it tells me I don't "meet minimum requirements". When I try using the intel driver and support assistant, it tells me that there are no updates available. How can my graphics drivers be 597 days old with no updates available? Have intel stopped releasing graphics driver updates for my graphics card/processor?

I believe the driver I have is this: -HD-Graphics-Driver-for-Windows-7-8-64-bit Download Intel HD Graphics Driver for Windows* 7/8-64-bit - although it shows as it also states "(" - but it gives a date of 6/5/2015, which contradicts the date showing on my system? When I try to download this driver it tells me that my "computer currently contains driver versions newer than the versions you are about to install."

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I am resigned to the fact that I will probably have to purchase a new laptop in order to get a better gaming experience, but I just wanted to check whether I was missing anything obvious first. I'd appreciate any advice or assistance on whether I actually do have the most up to date graphics driver available to me or, if not, how I can go about installing one more up to date.

My real question is what, other than the graphics driver, would prevent my computer from downloading new games and not responding when clicking on a downloaded game. If the device is working properly, but is no longer supported by Intel, can that still be why I can no longer download and install these games?

I have a 5 year old Inspiron laptop with the i3 2.40ghz 2370m processor and Intel HD 3000 graphics card. It NEVER made the list as being supported for Windows 10 by Dell or Intel. I UPGRADED ANYWAY to Windows 10 when it was released. I have had a great experience with only a few driver issues. Mostly during the first year W10 was released. Last few months I've been using a 4k HDR TV as my primary display w/HDMI. I noticed when I 1st connected it with the newer 2.0 HDMI cable the card read the resolutions it could use that my TV supports like wider xvYCC EXTENDED GAMUT. The result is a wider and deeper range of color overall. 

Additional data. I reverted my driver version in Windows 10 device manager. nvidia-smi shows driver 442.23 and cuda version 10.2. With Nsight Systems 2020.2 I observe I can get CPU details, but no GPU details. Error in Nsight Systems is "

Incompatible CUDA driver version. Please try updating the CUDA driver or use more recent profiler version."

I have some difficulties running a Cuda application inside a docker container on my Jetson TX2. The error message is CUDA Error: CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version The Cuda version is 10.2 but I have no idea where I can find the driver version.

Do you fix this issue yet?

Usually, insufficient error comes from the different version between GPU driver and CUDA library.

Please noticed that you need to use the container that built with the same L4T version as your device.

I am doing some troubleshooting with AsRock Rack and the X570D4U-2L2T and abysmal throughput performance under the latest 6.9.2 and 6.10 RC2 release. One question that is of course being asked is what driver am I using, and the basics I know are we are using the in-tree driver for what seems to be the 5.14.15 kernel. The board has built in dual Intel X550 NIC's, which I have disabled for the time being and am using an older X520 add-on card which works perfect (same driver).

But we quit doing this because often that driver would not build against the latest Linux sources. The best solution would be for Intel to quit maintaining their own proprietary driver and just keep the in-tree driver up-to-date. (Also get off sourceforge)

Our approach moving forward starting with 6.11 release is to create a category of apps called "proprietary modules". These will be individual plugins kept on github. Each time we update the Linux kernel we'll rebuild all the proprietary drivers, and if they build correctly, push the new module to the repo. Then OS Update will check your installed list of proprietary drivers and if they all were successfully updated then we'll proceed with update. I know this probably doesn't help you right now.

Thanks for the update @limetech, I guess in the future when 6.11 comes out and the move to drivers as plugins becomes available, then knowing what driver you're using would be more obvious. Making the ability to pick and choose for comparison much easier to help weed out issues or regressions.

In my work with AsRock currently, is there any idea what "version" the current "in-tree" driver is, let's say for the current RC3 release which seems to be using the 5.15.27 linux kernel, is there some command I can run to pull a version string or revision number from it? Or is it really just an unknown?

Fair enough, generous of you and very much appreciated. At least when RC4 comes out I'll know that my perf issues were driver related or not and we can move forward. If you decide to revert back post RC4 to the old in-tree, then either I stick on RC4 and I wait for drivers as plugins or I continue to have to fallback to an add on nic for the time being.

Something on our list to implement for 6.11 is a "system plugin" feature that will let you select via CA third-party modules (drivers) to install very early in system startup, e.g., before networking is initialized. This will permit you to install the Intel driver if that works for you.

You can use VBScript or JScript to get what you want. Since you didn't say for which driver you wanted the version number, here's a batch / JScript hybrid script that dumps them all to the console for you. Save this as driverversion.bat:

You can use driverquery /v to include the driver files with the listing, but AFAICS you won't be able to get the version number from the files without additional software. One tool you could use would be sigcheck from SysIntern^WMicrosoft.

On computers, a device driver is a package with instructions that allows (in this case) Windows 10 to communicate and control a particular piece of hardware (such as graphics card, printers, Bluetooth and network adapters).

Understanding the driver version currently installed on your computer can be useful information to determine if an update is needed, as manufacturers usually release driver updates multiple times a year to improve performance and stability, add new features, and fix issues.

Once you complete these steps, you'll know the current driver version, which you can check against the version number available on your manufacturer support website to determine if Windows 10 is using the most up-to-date release.

Alongside the driver version, using the "Driver" tab, you can also find out other useful information, such as the date when the current version of the driver was installed, and if the driver has been properly signed.

you will get the version of the nVIDIA driver package installed through your distribution's packaging mechanism. But this may not be the version that is actually running as part of your kernel right now.


I have a problem when i open unreal engine.

it says (The installed version of the intel graphics driver has known issues. Please install either the latest or the recommended)

Please help me to resolve this problem.

I have a problem when i open unreal engine.

it says (The installed version of the intel graphics driver has known issues. Please install either the latest or the recommended)

Please help me to resolve this problem.

Having trouble getting SWBF2 to open/load. Every time I get the message "Detected AMD Radeon driver version 0.0.0." and it telling me I need an updated driver. But I have the correct/updated driver installed. I have seen other having this issue, and no solutions. My computer should be able to play this game.

Thanks for the response. I usually use the most recent version of the DDU to uninstall all previous versions of drivers, but I will give this a try when I have a chance, and report back on the results. I appreciate the attempt to help.

Running a CUDA application requires the system with at least one CUDA capable GPU and a driver that is compatible with the CUDA Toolkit. See Table 3. For more information various GPU products that are CUDA capable, visit -gpus.

Each release of the CUDA Toolkit requires a minimum version of the CUDA driver. The CUDA driver is backward compatible, meaning that applications compiled against a particular version of the CUDA will continue to work on subsequent (later) driver releases.

** CUDA 11.0 was released with an earlier driver version, but by upgrading to Tesla Recommended Drivers 450.80.02 (Linux) / 452.39 (Windows), minor version compatibility is possible across the CUDA 11.x family of toolkits.

For convenience, the NVIDIA driver is installed as part of the CUDA Toolkit installation. Note that this driver is for development purposes and is not recommended for use in production with Tesla GPUs.

Green contexts are a lightweight alternative to traditional contexts, with the ability to pass in a set of resources that they should be initialized with. This allows the developer to represent distinct spatial partitions of the GPU, provision resources for them, and target them via the same programming model that CUDA exposes (streams, kernel launches, etc.). For detail, refer to -driver-api/group__CUDA__GREEN__CONTEXTS.html. 0852c4b9a8

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