I'm attempting to use the Skype javascript API and noticing some craziness: If my page is HTTP, everything works fine (all the skype buttons, and skype: protocol hrefs) but once I move it to HTTPS it breaks in Chrome, iPad, and iPhone. Case and point:

It treats skype:echo123;+16505550123?call as a URL and finds it not to be secure (i.e. not https) so the browser refuses to load it. Probably, the JavaScript in the Skype SDK uses window.open or something similar, so digging around in their code might bring up a solution.

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And a bit more, you can just clear the shortcut for Spacebar under the "full keyboard access>>Commands" (it was set as act of Activate by default), don't need to disable the full function in case you need other shortcut to control the ipad.

[quote name="tenly" url="/t/188012/microsoft-updates-skype-iphone-ipad-apps-with-overhauled-interfaces-more#post_2770615"]Off topic - AI should allow posters to categorize their comments as negative, neutral, positive or troll. They should also allow everyone else to vote on the posts of others using the same 4 categories - and readers of course should be able to apply a filter based on those categories so that they can just focus on positive messages or at least filter out trolls. It may not be an extremely useful feature, but I for one think it would be fun.I'm not a big Skype user but the new interface sounds like it was much needed! Looking forward to giving it a try![/quote]That's a good idea but, you know they won't be honest. 0852c4b9a8

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