
Here is the list of respondents (as of 12 Apr 2024) to the invitational e-mail which was sent to 93 Burton 3rd alums.

Ed K. '66 - loves the concept but will not be able to make it

Peter L. '66 - "no can do" "scheduling"

Paul K. '67 - is considering it  did not attend

LSD '67 - would love to come but cannot - and he died in November

Jim S. '67 - "I seem to be too busy to grow old"

Rick H. '67 (Old Man) wife Sherry   -  attended Legal Seafood, alumni brunch and oldies DTYD

Craig P. '68 - "I am unable to join the reunion" - medical (see his marvelous photos on live ones page)

Dick K. '68 - "I would probably attend some of it."  But did not

Steve R. '68 - "I don't think we will be able to make it"

Mike S. '68 - "I will try to make it if I can"  But did not

Art C. '68 - "We are unlikely to be there"

Ted S. '68 - "won't be able to make it"

Bart B. '68 - "I do not think I'd be able to make it"

Paul L. '68 - "I will not be able to make it."

Howard S. '68 - "I would love to attend, but scheduling makes it very unlikely"  We were unable to do a zoom meeting

Alan B. '68 - "Unfortunately I will not be attending this wonderful sounding reunion"

Hans P. '69 wife Audrey   -  attended Legal Seafood, alumni brunch, SPIN "formal" party, and oldies DTYD

Ted G. '69 (in Australia),

Ray S. '69 - "I'm interested." - Did not attend

Andy Z. '69 - "I am not able to attend"

Ron Beatty '69 wife Cynthia -  -  attended Legal Seafood, alumni brunch, SPIN "formal" party, oldies DTYD, hockey awards, and marathon BBQ

Greg Gowdy '69 - has died, but Donna   - attended Legal seafood, SPIN "formal" party

Larry W. '69 - "I cannot come in person, but I'll be there in spirit"

Walt M. '69 - "I won't be coming ... Just too much else going on"

Wayne Z. '69 - will not make it

Joel G. '70 - a co-conspirator "This will be a complete blast!" - attended Legal Seafood, alumni brunch, visited Tuna and oldies DTYD

Stan S. '70 - "I will try to attend" - but has medical conflict

Ken K. '70 - "I really can't come this year" - family commitments

PJ. '70 wife Betsy - "I’m in"  -  attended Legal Seafood, alumni brunch, visited Tuna and oldies DTYD

Rich R. '70 (Zo) - "This is a great idea. ... Count me in!"  -  attended Legal Seafood, alumni brunch and oldies DTYD

Ron A. '70 (Borneo) for 2 - "You bet! ... What could be better?"  attended Legal Seafood, alumni brunch and oldies DTYD

Bob W. '70 wife Rachel - attended Legal Seafood

Harry W. '70 -"We certainly are interested in attending ... if we can" - Did not attend

Mike G. '71 -  attended Legal Seafood, alumni brunch, SPIN "formal" party, oldies DTYD, hockey awards, and marathon BBQ

Ed K. '71 with wife Donna - attended

Chuck K. '71 - "not likely that my wife and I will ... make it"

Ed M. '71  -  attended Legal Seafood, alumni brunch, visited Tuna, and oldies DTYD

Scott R. '71 - "Have a grand reunion!   I’ll be traveling those days but much further west."

Norm W. '71 - "I can't make it. ... I'm sure it will be fun"

Chip K. '71 - Did not attend

Drew G. '72 - attended Legal Seafood, alumni brunch, visited Tuna

Bonny K. '72 - "count me in" attended Legal Seafood, etc.

Tom S. '72 - attended Legal Seafood

Nick L. '72 - "will not be there"

Steve P. '72 - "Unfortunately I can't make it"

Jack L. '73 - "Sounds like fun. Count me in" - attended Legal Seafood

Al L. '73 - may drive down from Maine for a day - Did not attend

Mike L. '74 (Wall) wife Irja -  attended Legal Seafood

Barry W. '75 - "I am unable to attend, but looking forward to hearing"

Bert H. '75 - "If I'm here, I'll definitely be looking to join the festivities."  "I'm out of town."

Mike M. '75 - "I send regrets and best wishes that you all have a great time"

Jerry F. '76 wife Kay -  attended Legal Seafood, alumni brunch and oldies DTYD

Dave A. '76 - "It is with regret that I will not be able to attend"

Dave T. '92 wife Katy - attended Legal Seafood, alumni brunch

Katy O. '93 - " - "

Ankita D. '23 - "I’m definitely going to be there for DTYD."

Esme S. '25 - co-hall-chairman "It's so great to hear that you all plan to join us"