Current Projects

REU Site in Earth System Science

Our NSF-supported REU offers paid summer undergraduate research internships at Colorado State University in the Department of Atmospheric Science. Interns participate in a 10 week program from early June through early August. This is an exciting research opportunity in beautiful Fort Collins, Colorado. Join world-class atmospheric scientists investigating the science of clouds, climate and climate change, weather, and modeling. During our program interns have the opportunity to attend scientific seminars, visit national scientific laboratories, and participate in a variety of professional development training. Find out more here:

Improving the recruitment and persistence of women in the geosciences: Exploring deliberate mentoring approaches aimed at undergraduate students

Gender diverse teams are essential for excellent science. PROmoting Geoscience Research, Education, and SuccesS (PROGRESS) is a highly successful role modeling and mentoring program aimed at supporting college women interested in the geosciences. Find our more here:

Cultivating Socially Responsible Atmospheric Scientists through Education, Leadership, and Action (CURATE)

Empowering scientstists to transform workplace climate through the ADVANCEGeo community based intervention program

A primary goal of the project is to improve workplace climate conditions by developing bystander intervention education for department heads, chairs, faculty and grad students to appropriately respond to and prevent harassment, bullying and other exclusionary behaviors in research environments.

Other Activities

Past Projects

Advanced Study Institute: Field Studies of Convection in Argentina

Cultivating Inclusive Identities of Engineers and Computer Scientists: Expanding Efforts to Infuse Inclusive Excellence in Undergraduate Curricula