I am trying to figure out how to create a Bungeecord Hub for a few private modded Minecraft servers. I have the Bungeecord server set up and I am only able to connect to it with a vanilla client. In addition, it's connection is very unreliable. What I mean by this is that it take a few times of reloading my server list to see the hub. As for the modded servers, there are 2 Thermos servers on 1.7.10 as well as 1 SpongeForge server on 1.10.2. Any information would be appreciated. I am also not sure what information you might need so just let me know. Thanks a lot.

I was wondering how I can move the target server of the player I dont have any code so far and I have found nothing but I am making a plugin for private use for my Minecraft server network. I do already have a plugin called Command Sync which links my BungeeCord Server and my Spigot Servers with sync console bungee send @p tntwars in vanilla where tntwars is my target server.This is all I know because the Spigot forums are terrible and useless>

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When I try to stop the Bungeecord server using the Stop button, I get in the console an error that says that the command is unknown. The command to stop bungee is end, not stop. Is there a way to fix this ourselves?

I am not ever going to run a huge server (in terms of worlds and player slots). Just a few servers. A kit pvp server and a basic world. I have both of those connected to the same linode (from my house). People connect to the linode ip/domain I use for that linode. It works. I just was curious about bungeecord. I dont think I am ever going to want a hub server/world. All there really is are 5 of us that play. Maybe more, but I have not had more than 5 on at once. I am not even thinking as big as l1 devember server. Just friends I have met here and there.

So um i am new to MineHut and i was wondering if i could use bungee cord in minehut? i searched it up in the plugins and i did not found it, then i found this one video on the MineHut's official YouTube channel where it showed that when someone clicked on the lever they got sent to another server so i was wondering how i could make it so when they click on something or something similar, how can i send players between my minecraft servers in MineHut?

On Bungeecord the config.yml file in your server root directory contains the query_enabled: true and query_port: 25565 settings. Setting these to true and an available port will bring you the same results you had before you switched to Bungee. Also do not forget to restart your bungee server after you change the config file.

Having a multi-server network allows more players to join simultaneously, thus allowing server owners to limitlessly expand their communities. It also offers great redundancy, as any one back-end server may fail at any time, but the hub and all other servers will still be accessible to the public. BungeeCord is how major server networks like Hypixel (Try using /bungee In-Game!) can have tens of thousands of players online, without any significant crashing, lagging, or downtime issues.

If you ever don't understand something, or just need some help, we have a support team ready to answer your questions and attempt to resolve any issues you might have with our plugins.

Join our Support Discord server for help!

The BungeeCordComponentSerializer allows you to convert between Adventure Componentsand the native BungeeCord chat component API and back. This can be used when native platform support isunavailable. The serializer is available in the adventure-platform-text-serializer-bungeecord artifact. 2351a5e196

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