"Basic" Description: A favorite of the upper bankers in the Corpus' gentry, the Fusillee is commonly used in the man-hunting sport "Dog Loosing", where captured Grineer infantry, upon being pumped for information and scanned for bionics that could be of potential research value, are implanted with forehead-based cameras and are unleashed into extreme environments with nothing but their augmentations to keep them alive. Members of the gentry will then be assigned a specific target or targets, a personal platform drone, and a certain time allotment (dependent on everything from bribery, to status, to even the masses' choice) in order to hunt down the target and kill them within three shots. Those who fail face a loss of face, revenue, or even the possibility of Kenneling (the act of being forcibly augmented and pushed into the sport as "Dogs" themselves). Infantry who manage to kill their pursuers are actually released from the sport and commonly return to the Empire as heroes, thus allowing the sport to generate a rather disturbing amount of televised popularity as a sort of "redemptive filter" for those who fail the Kweens as well as a surprising amount of revenue from outside the Corpus Boards' area of influence itself.

On meleeing a target for a 15% chance or on enemy contact with the impact area of Weaken Integrity or Construct's discharges, a small residue cloud of idle nanites is left behind that clings tightly to the enemy. Hitting the swarm with another of the three methods will cause the swarm to enhance the damage of the attack or ability by reactivating the swarm which joins in on the attack. The multiplier starts at 1.2x and can stack all the way up to 2.0X with repeat application from the same ability.

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Appearance=Based upon a similar orokin design that was left unfinished in the far corner of one of the myriad foundry ships cracked open and stripped of any relevant items of value, the Krurelta is, for lack of a better term, a jet-complimented chain flail. While the original form called for a decorative sun-shaped design with several gravatic generators mounted strategically to allow it to sweep through the air with ease, the current Grineer variant is essentially a rather "tame" purple and orange roller of sorts with red lights on a long retractable chain covered in a mashed-together array of maneuvering thrusters that allow it to be let loose with all the flight stability of a stone launched from a catapult. Fortunately, the on-board computer is just canny and reactive enough to counter actions that could potentially bring harm to the user, such as activating it's thruster to quickly return after being launched or countering a swing that might swing around and hit the user themselves. As an added violent bonus, the chain itself is covered in an array of barbs for the quick and dirty purpose of assassinating foes when a roller launch would be imprudent.

The Brain is Thinking of You!- Corpus infantry have a tendency to form a staggered line in front of security cameras. Here, they gain +15% accuracy and 25% health due to their from-birth adulation of their heroic leader.

Fearless and brash even in the face of armored vehicles, escuchons were a successful experiment in forging a soldier into a weapon that actively sought combat rather then fled from it. Created from actual volunteers who wished to make amends for perceived or legitimate slights towards the Empire's constituents, the escuchons are some of the few Starborn soldiers who are left with a few basic social faculties (put them alongside an average Grineer though, and you will see the familiar conditioning changes made). Traditionally loyal on the outside, physiologically loyal on the inside given the myriad amount of pharmaceuticals needed to keep them in a state of "eternal heroism", the escuchons are the poster children of the Starborn Brigade. Whenever a common grineer hears of the Brigade, it is patriotic narrated propaganda by one of these "perfect soldiers" alongside hundreds of its brethren that springs to mind, commonly accompanied by aspirations of joining them. The reality is slightly less impressive.

Aside from these bells-and-whistles though, the escuchons are rather basic troops, straddling the line between shield-bearer and flameblade, their heroism and adonisian form merely a clever facade to hide just another cog in Deimos' personal warmachine.

Aside from the Days of Strife, most Dotter remain passive to outside presences. So long as they aren't touched, shot at, or have their "personal bubbles" entered, they will not react to the existence of others. Once disrupted, their single minded focus becomes utterly dedicated to the killing of the outsider. (Note that the Dotter found in raider camps do NOT follow these rules.)

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