Day 3 Programme

Conference time zone - British Summer Time

Day 3

Thursday 15th July

09.00 a.m.–10.00 a.m.

BUIRA Study Group Meetings (optional for each of the Study Groups)

Time in the programme for study groups to convene their own meetings

Equality and Diversity in Work and Employment Study Group:

10.00 a.m.–11.15 a.m.

Paper Session 7 (4 concurrent streams, each with 3 papers)

Session 7A

Chair: Emma Hughes

Collective bargaining

Influencing employers outside of formal collective bargaining structures: informal equality alliances and the trade union equality representative

Joyce Mamode (Birkbeck, University of London )

The Uneven terrain of sectoral bargaining in Ireland

Eugene Hickland (Dublin City University) and Tony Dundon (University of Limerick)

Zoom link:

Session 7B

Chair: Alex Wood

Digital technology and work 4

Socialising, media, or social media? Union messaging and understandings amongst older and younger workers

David Peetz (Griffith University), Werner Nienhueser (University of Duisburg-Essen) and Georgina Murray (Griffith University)

What are the social implications of digitalisation in construction?

Linda Clarke (University of Westminster) and Melahat Sahin-Dikmen (University of Westminster)

Industrial relations in Industry 4.0: What do Italian trade unions think?

Wilko Artale (University of Glasgow)

Zoom link:

Session 7C

Chair: David Bailey

Skills, work and labour process

Skilled Trades under Lean Rationalisation in the Car Industry: A Case Study of Maintenance Workers
Ron Roberts (Queen’s University, Belfast) and Niall Cullinane (Queen’s University Belfast)

Employment terms and collectivism in hospitality: comparing workers’ experience in Greece and the UK

Gregoris Ioannou (University of Glasgow) and Orestis Papadopoulos (Manchester Metropolitan University)

Dynamic Interactions between Employment Institutions and the Labour Process: A Study of Work in the Indian IT industry

Secki Jose (University of Leicester)

Zoom link:

Session 7D

Chair: Eleanor Kirk

Disability and work

Disabled disputes: where do disabled academics feature in negotiations between UK universities and UCU?

Jennifer Remnant, Kate Sang and James Richards (Heriot-Watt University)

The Public/Private sector divide: disability discrimination cases at Employment Tribunals

Laura William (University of Greenwich), Birgit Pauksztat (Uppsala University) and Susan Corby (University of Greenwich)

Unlearning and Consent in the UK Fire and Rescue Service
Irena Grugulis (University of Leeds), James Brooks (Practitioner) and Hugh Cook (University of Leeds)

Zoom link:

Break 11.15a.m.–11.45 p.m.

11.45 p.m - 1:00pm.

Paper Session 8 (3 concurrent streams, each with 3 papers)

Session 8A

Chair: Alex Wood

Online resistance; Covid-19 and employment relations

‘The more I would wash my hands, the more it would dry out’: Body work and toilet maintenance during COVID-19

Charlotte Jones (University of Exeter), Jill Pluquailec (Sheffield Hallam University), Jen Slater (Sheffield Hallam University) and Lauren White (University of Sheffield)

How Creative Freelancers Organised using Online Occupational Communities in the Wake of COVID-19

Holly Patrick-Thompson (Edinburgh Napier University)

Resisting technology: collective action in a digitised workplace

Cate Hopkins (Cardiff University)

Zoom link:

Session 8B

Chair: Yvonne Rueckert

Trade unions 2

The Perils of 'Scaling Up' Rank-and-File Internationalism: A Case Study of the International Dockworkers Council (2000-2020)

Katy Fox-Hodess (University of Sheffield)

Advancing in gender equity in Chilean organisations: The role of trade unions and collective bargaining

Sebastián Ugarte (University of Chile), Angel Martin (University of Chile) and Juan Carrasco (Independent Researcher)

Union membership and the willingness to prioritize environmental protection above growth and jobs

Josef Ringqvist (Karlstad University)

Zoom link:

Session 8C

Chair: Eleanor Kirk

The state and industrial relations

Changing Patterns of Irish Industrial Relations? – The Impact of the Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act 2015

Katharina Zimmer and Eugene Hickland (Dublin City University)

Ballots and strikes under the 2016 Trade Union Act

Dave Lyddon (Keele University)

Managing the Crisis of UK Employment Relations: the Prospects for Performative Populism

Steve Williams and Peter Scott (University of Portsmouth)

Zoom link:

Lunch 1.00 p.m.–2.00 p.m.

2 p.m.–
15 p.m.

Paper Session 9 (2 concurrent streams, each with 3 papers)

Session 9A

Chair: Irena Grugulis

Employee voice 2

Paternalistic Management and Empowerment as Two Institutional Logics of Employee Participation: A Case Study of the Taiwanese ICT Industry

Bo-Yi Lee (King's College London)

The Role of Works Councils in Firms’ Training Provision in Times of Technological Change

Alexander Lammers (TU Dortmund University), Felix Lukowski and Kathrin Weiss (Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, BIBB)

Perceptions, Attitudes and Barriers towards Women Professionals In the Italian Construction Industry

Eleonora De Stefanis (University of Milan) and Elena Scarcella

Zoom link:

Session 9B

Chair: Yvonne Rueckert

The future of work

The ILO and the future of work: the politics of global labour policy

Vicente Silva (University of Edinburgh)

Strategic Considerations on "The Future of Work" - ILO Centenary Declaration 21 June 2019

Joern Janssen (CLR)

Collective Bargaining and the making and unmaking of the working class

Zaad Mahmood (Presidency University) and Supurna Banerjee (Institute of Development Studies Kolkata)

Zoom link:

Break 3.15p.m.–3.30 p.m.

3.30 p.m.–
4.30 p.m.

Plenary 3: The Future of Industrial Relations Research

Chair: Andy Hodder

Professor Sian Moore (Greenwich University)

Zoom link: