Day 2 Programme

Conference time zone - British Summer Time

Day 2

Wednesday 14th July

10.00 a.m.–11.15 a.m.

Paper Session 4 (4 concurrent streams, each with 3 papers)

Session 4A

Chair: Steve Williams

Decent work

Chinese investment and the decent work challenge in Kenya: a comparative institutional analysis

Xuebing Cao (Keele University)

Accessing Decent Work conditions: A study of women street vendors in Delhi, India

Shweta Sharma (University of Sheffield)

‘Woke Capitalism’ and work: The use of logos and CSR standards to promote good employment

Jill Timms (Coventry University) and David Bek (Coventry University)

Zoom link:

Session 4B

Chair: Laura William
Precarious work and bogus self employment

Queues and hierarchies within care and hospitality: Conceptualisation of contractual queues of control

Eva Herman (University of Manchester)

Do contingent workers desire union representation? Evidence from the Workplace Employment Relations Survey

Danat Valizade (University of Leeds)

Zoom link:

Session 4C

Chair: Andy Hodder
Higher education

Activists in the Academy: The Challenges of Emancipatory Partisanship in the Neoliberal Business School

Huw Thomas and Pete Turnbull (University of Bristol)

‘Organising from home’: Beating the Trade Union Act 2016 in a global pandemic/recession

James Richards (Heriot-Watt University) and Vaughan Ellis (Edinburgh Napier University)

Union legitimacy in the Business School

Colm McLaughlin (University College Dublin)

Zoom link:

Session 4D

Chair: Alex Wood
Digital technology and work 2

Hire of Service or Hire of Work? A Case Study of the Employment Relationships between the Riders and the Food-delivery Firms in Taiwan

Bo-Yi Lee (King’s College London)

Informal Labour, Automation and Future of Work in India

Anita Hammer (University of Essex),

The Forgotten Gig Workers: Sex Workers’ Role in the Gig Economy and Collective Action

Sarah Woolfe (University of Hertfordshire)

Zoom link:

Break 11.15a.m.–11.45 p.m.

11.45 a.m - 1:00pm.

Paper Session 5 (4 concurrent streams, each with 3 papers)

Session 5A

Chair: Holly Patrick-Thomson
Digital technology and work 3

Scheduling Flexibility: Managing labour supply of gig workers in food delivery platforms

Ujjwal Kango (IIM Calcutta) and Rajesh Bhattacharaya (IIM Calcultta)

Flexible despotism: labour control in the informational age

Alex Wood (University of Birmingham)

Zoom link:

Session 5B

Chair: Emma Hughes
Sport and political parties

What is the purpose of a trade union? A view from professional football

Emmanuel Forche (University of Birmingham)

The Real Living Wage and ‘The Good Employer’ in UK Football Clubs

Peter Prowse (Sheffield Hallam University) and Tony Dobbins (University of Birmingham)

The Changing Engagement of Political Parties in Industrial Relations: A Comparative, Longitudinal Analysis of Political Party Manifestos

Ryan Lamare (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) and John Budd (University of Minnesota)

Zoom link:

Session 5C

Chair: David Bailey
Labour History 2

Why trade unions were not able to become engines of a Polányian countermovement in post-socialist Hungary?

Andras Toth (TK, PTI, Budapest) and Eszter Bartha (ELTE, Budapest)

‘The Violent Dimension of the Strikers versus Scabs Relationship: the 1910-14 Labour Revolt’

Ralph Darlington (University of Salford)

Zoom link:

Session 5D

Chair: Jo Cutter
Class and work

Class fragments and the cultural projectariat: the state, labour and Hull City of Culture 2017

Charles Umney (University of Leeds)

Class analysis of young NEETs: Theoretical trajectories and research findings in the Mediterranean EU South

Michalis Poulimas (University of the Aegean), Stelios Gialis (University of the Aegean) and Nikos Kapitsinis (Cardiff University)

Zoom link:

Lunch 1.00 p.m.–2.00 p.m.

2 p.m.–
30 p.m.

Early Career Plenary Panel

Chair - Emma Hughes

Juridification and legal consciousness at work

Eleanor Kirk (University of Glasgow)

Beyond borders: Trans-sectoral, trans-organisational and trans-national solidarities among gig workers in Italy and the UK

Paolo Borghi (University of Milan) and Annalisa Murgia (University of Milan)

Discussant, Prof Jean Jenkins (Cardiff University)

Zoom link:

Break 3.30p.m.–4.00 p.m.

4.00 p.m.–
15 p.m.

Paper Session 6 (4 concurrent streams, each with 3 papers)

Session 6A

Chair: Laura William

Voice and unionism

Lasting cooperative employment relations in SMEs: Underlying factors in comparative perspetive

Andrea Signoretti (University of Trento) and John Geary (University College Dublin)

Pathways to transnational employee voice: analysis of three company case studies in the metalworking sector

Anastasia Alexeeva (Royal Holloway)

Non-routinised union responses to restructuring in France: linking identity, power resources and legitimacy

Ruth Reaney (University of Glasgow) and Genevieve Coderre-LaPalme (University of Birmingham)

Zoom link:

Session 6B

Chair: Tony Dobbins

Political economy of work

Towards Improving Reporting Transparency in Industrial Relations Research

Mark Saunders (University of Birmingham), Keith Townsend (Griffith University), and Andy Hodder (University of Birmingham)

Workers as agents of contestation in Britain's financialised, stagnating, and debt-led model of accumulation

David Bailey (University of Birmingham)

Unions and Employment in a Market Economy: Strategy, Influence and Power in Contemporary Britain

Andrew Brady (Independent Researcher)

Zoom link:

Session 6C

Chair: Steve Williams

HRM and regulation

A brighter future? An examination of the impact of worker and employer power resources on human rights outcomes for workers in garment supply chains

Ashling Seely (Dublin City University)

No Remedy Here – The Role of HRM in the Garment Supply Chain
Jean Jenkins, Helen Blakely, Rehka Chakravarthi and Rhys Davies (Cardiff University)

The HRM Space: Interrogating the relationship between HRM and regulation

Jenny K. Rodriguez (University of Manchester), Stewart Johnstone (Strathclyde University), Stephen Procter (University of Newcastle) and Miguel Martinez Lucio (University of Manchester)

Zoom link:

18:00-19:00 Evening Session

City region organising in the time of the crisis:

Manchester Trades Union Council has been the voice of Manchester workers since it was founded in the Mechanics Institute in 1866. Today, the MTUC brings together delegates from a range of unions and other community groups across the city region. Building solidarity between workers and different movements in Greater Manchester is central to the work that MTUC continues to do. The Go NW Bus strike was just another example of this, in which MTUC campaigned alongside striking Unite members at the Queen’s Road bus garage in February 2021. In this session, we are pleased to welcome Ian Allinson (Unite) and Fiona Pashazadeh (UCU), current MTUC committee members who are going to discuss some of the campaigns that have been ongoing in Manchester throughout the crisis.

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