Lane Research Lab

Early Building Blocks for Learning

Downloadable Handouts

Common Terms.pdf

Common Terms

A Review of Terms Commonly Used in Handouts


How Does My Child Communicate?

An Overview of All Types of Communication

Words & Phrases.pdf

Selecting Instructional Targets

Common instructional targets for young children, beginning with first words, word combinations, and more complex sentences.


Lesson Plans for Words & Phrases

This form is designed to create a plan for targeting words and phrases during play-based sessions or throughout the day. 

EAS Chavez Lane Graley.pdf

Arrange the Environment

Strategies to Promote Communication


The Foundation for Interacting and Teaching

How to be Responsive during Play


Modeling to Teach

Teaching New Words and Phrases during Play


Increasing Responding

Using Open-Ended Questions and Statements to Teach


Waiting is Teaching

Using Time Delay to Promote Initiations during Play


Combining Procedures

A Brief Guide on Combining Procedures during Play


Establishing Routines

A Brief Guide on How to Engage a Child in Play

Home Activities for Language Development.pdf

Home Activities

A Handout Shared with us by Micaela Zimmerman and Katie Goldey

Incidental Teaching.pdf

Incidental Teaching

An overview for promoting elaborated forms of requests. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Clarifying information to common questions.