CDE Teams

Career opportunities abound within today’s agriculture industry. Career Development Events (CDEs) help students develop the abilities to think critically, communicate clearly, and perform effectively in a competitive job market. Here at Buhach Colony we offer over sixteen CDEs, covering job skills in everything from communications to mechanics. Some events allow students to compete as individuals, while others allow them to compete in teams. For more information, check out the CDE Handbook or talk to your FFA advisor or State FFA Association about how you can get involved in the CDE awards program.

Prepared Public Speaking

During the Prepared Public Speaking LDE, students write and deliver a six- to eight-minute speech about a current agriculture-related topic. The speaking skills gained through this event help students excel in school, community and career.

Best Informed Greenhand

The objective of the Best Informed Greenhand contest is to understand the aims, purposes, history, and structure of the Local, State, and National FFA student organizations and know the opportunities it makes available as referenced in the current National FFA Manual and State Constitution.


The Creed Speaking LDE is for FFA members in grades seventh, eighth, and ninth. They must present the FFA Creed from memory and answer questions about its meaning and purpose. The event boosts self-confidence and develops their ability to communicate in a powerful, professional manner.

Dairy Judging

The Dairy Cattle Evaluation and Management CDE helps students develop skills in dairy cattle selection and herd management. Participants evaluate the cattle’s physical characteristics, explain their various classes and analyze a herd record as a team.


In the Extemporaneous Public Speaking LDE, participants are given 30 minutes to deliver a speech on one of three assigned agricultural topics. Students must learn to think on their feet and develop an argument quickly and persuasively.


The Floriculture CDE requires students to identify plants, judge flower arrangements and solve problems. Participants also demonstrate skills in flower arranging, propagation and the preparation of floral and foliage products for sale.

Job Interview

Participants in the Employment Skills (formerly Job Interview) LDE submit a resume, complete job applications and participate in mock job interviews with a panel of possible employers.

Small Engines

The contest team will be made up of three members.


The purpose of the Impromptu Public Speaking Career Development Event is to foster and develop the speaking abilities of FFA members as well as develop their self-confidence and contribute to their advancement in inter-personal skill attainment and leadership development. The intention of the Impromptu Contest is to offer a more realistic, practical speaking contest to better prepare our students for public statements, media coverage, and general questions about the FFA and Agriculture Industry. Students will develop the valuable speaking skills necessary to be professional, competent public representatives of the FFA Organization and Agriculture Industry.

The primary purpose of the event is to demonstrate the student’s ability with limited preparation time to compose and deliver coherent and focused oral presentations.

Soil and Land Evaluation

Teams shall consist of three or four members. The scores of the three highest team members shall be used for the team score. All team members are eligible for individual awards.

Livestock Judging

To understand and to interpret the value of performance data based on industry stan­dards.

To measure the students' knowledge in the following categories:

To make accurate observations of livestock

To determine the desirable traits in animals

To make logical decisions based on these observations

To discuss and to defend their decisions for their placing

To instill an appreciation for desirable selection, management and marketing techniques

To develop the ability to select and market livestock that will satisfy consumer demands and provide increased economic returns to producers. Provide positive economic returns to producers as well as meet the needs of the industry.

To become proficient in communicating in the terminology of the industry and the consumer.

To provide an opportunity for participants to become acquainted