
The pool renovation

The forsan pool, once the place where great memories previews forsan students made. Now it is an empty eye sore, and safety hazard. Forsan is changing that, with the help of the gifted and talented program, the school board, and texas tech landscape and architecture department. They want to turn the location of the pool into something minum cost, and minun upkeep “hopefully something the students will take part in taking care of”- Jonathon Gabehart. They aren't sure what they are turning the physilty into right now, but they are interested in something like a garden, or outdoor classroom they plan to make it useful for the cooking, agriculture,and sciences classes.

The Forsan High School students are excited for a change! “I’m happy for the change, and I can't wait to see what the final product will look like!” - Rylee Evans. The change will be a nice new upgrade to the high school. This project will bring a fresh new environment to the Forsan High school campus. “Our goal for this renovation, is to bring students out doors and hopefully help them to be a little more active, as we want them to love the space so much that they want to help with its upkeep” jonathon Gabehart.

No matter what type of space they choose to build, students and teacher will be looking forward to this fresh new space designed to help motivate, and inspire students. They hope the renovation won't take more than a year, but aren't surtain on the time. So all we can do now is wait in excitement until then.

power lifting

Lady buffs regionals powerlifting meet

The forsan lady buffs regional powerlifting team consisted of Jaidyn Brown, Brenne East, and Kendra Thomas. They competed on Friday February twenty-ninth. Jaidyn brown placed fourth overall in her weight class, squatting 215, benching 110, and deadlifting 245. Making her total 570! Brennen east placed fifth overall squatting 320, benching 160, and deadlifting 280 making her total 760! Kendra Thomas also placed fifth overall in her weight class squatting 305, benching 165, and deadlifting 290 making her total 760! Good job lady buffs we are proud of you! This was a bittersweet meet for the team seeing that this would be Jaidyn brown, and breene east last high school powerlifting meat since they are seniors. Each girl worked so hard to get to this meet, finding times to lift amongst their busy schedules, but they obviously put in the time and effort. When asking coach thompson the head powerlifting coach when his goal was for the girls at regionals he said “All i want them to do today is get all their lifts and give it their all, i also want this to be a confidence builder”. Which clearly the girls did! Powerlifting take more than just being strong, and is more than just how much weight you can do. It's about proving to yourself that you can do something, and you are strong enough! “The best part about powerlifting is watching people exceed their own expectation on what they can accomplish if they set their mind to it”- coach thompson. Even though this sadly is the end for two of the girls who played a huge roll on the team, and will clearly be missed. The future of the Forsan girls powerlifting team looks promising!