Best in Bucks
What and where are the Best Trees in Buckinghamshire? Many wonderful and some unusual specimen trees are perhaps only known to some local knowledgeable people in a park or a garden that can be seen, perhaps from the road and such trees deserved to be better known. This is the idea of the ‘Best in Bucks’ – a list of the best example of each tree species that can be seen from a public place in the county although National Trust properties have been included as an exception Some trees, it soon became recognized, may not actually be the best looking specimen of that species but has significance either for its size, age or historic connection within the historic boundaries of county so these are included with ‘Vt’ after their names indicating ‘veteran’ for their status.
Below is ‘Best in Bucks’ list of the best example of each tree species that have so far been identified in our county, and everyone is invited to contribute other species or others they think better specimens. It can be realized that for the more common species there will be some competition but for rare species, quite young trees will earn a place on this list. Maybe this will inspire some ambitious planting to get the village or town listed here as it takes centuries for a huge veteran to develop whilst only a decade or so for a specimen of rare tree to be admired! The Bucks Tree Club welcomes nomination of trees either by post c/o Little Friars Arboretum, Pednor Bottom, Chesham, Bucks.HP5 2SS or by email with information indicated below.
For download of the table below which is printable please click Here