For Multimedia Creators

Please Read the FAQs First

Please make sure to read our general FAQs first. Most of your questions will be answered there.

For Multimedia Creators

What kind of multimedia work is allowed?
We accept almost all fanwork, including podfic, fanvids, crafts, and more. Ask us if you have a question. 

Are there different rules and requirements for multimedia creators?

Where should I host my work?
You know best which platforms are most appropriate for your media. Host where it makes the most sense (e.g., Dropbox, YouTube, etc.), then link to or embed your work via the social media site(s) of your choice or AO3. For crafts, a photo or other media would suffice. 

Do multimedia creators have to do check-ins?
Check-in rules are the same for everyone.

How do I submit my work?