For Artists

Please Read the FAQs First

Please make sure to read our general FAQs first. Most of your questions will be answered there.

For Artists

What kind of art is allowed?
For the purposes of this fest, any visual media—line drawings, paintings, digital art, comics, moodboards, etc. 

Are there different rules and requirements for artists?
Artists have the option of posting to the site of their choice instead of/in addition to AO3. The posting timeline for artists is different and can be found on "Timeline." Otherwise, participation in the fest should be mostly the same. Let us know if you have questions or problems, and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Do artists have to do check-ins?
Check-in rules are the same for everyone.

When do I post my work?
You can post your work any time between the writer submission deadline and the end of reveals. Check the Timeline for details.

Where do I post my work?
You may choose to post on any site of your choice, such as Twitter, Tumblr, Mastodon, Bluesky, AO3 (please see "FAQs" and "For Writers" for more information about the AO3 collection), or others. 

You may post on multiple sites.

If you post on Twitter, please tag @BTSWipFest in your tweet (or in a reply to your tweet). We will retweet your post during the Reveals period.

If you do not post to Twitter, we will create a Twitter post for you (similar to writer reveal posts) with a link to your work. Rest assured that we will not upload a copy of your work to our Twitter account, but only information and a link. You can give us info about your work and the link through the Submission Form.

How do I submit my work?
All artists should submit the Submission form by the end of the Reveal period (see Timeline). 

Do artists have the same deadline?
There is a different posting timeline for artists. See "Timeline" for more information.