Bridging the Gap:
The Importance of Communicating Mathematical Research to laypeople and in Education
May 21st to May 24th, 2024
University of the Balearic Islands, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Key Data
When? May 21st to May 24th, 2024
Where? University of the Balearic Islands, Palma de Mallorca, Spain and zoom.
There will be no registration fee but we cannot help finding accommodations or pay travel expenses.
We will only provide coffee and snacks, and the conference dinner on the 23rd
This workshop is a Satelite to the 9th European Congress of Mathematics (9ECM), the quadrennial Congress of the European Mathematical Society.
To get the zoom link, please register here.
Depending on the interests of the participants a conference proceedings might be published.
Organized by:
Jordi Fairhurst (Department of Philosophy of the University of the Balearic Islands & KU Leuven),
José Antonio Pérez Escobar (Faculté des lettres of the Université de Genève), and
Deniz Sarikaya (Centre for Logic & Philosophy of Science research Group at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels)
The satellite workshop "Bridging the Gap: The Importance of Communicating Mathematical Research to laypeople and in Education" aims to shed light on an essential, yet under-discussed facet of mathematics education - the art of communicating complex mathematical concepts and research to children and popularizing them in the general public. Mathematical literacy is an integral part of modern society, where data-driven decision making is prevalent. Equipping children and laypeople with an understanding of mathematical research prepares them to navigate a world where mathematics is increasingly vital.
Felix Klein already famously discussed that school mathematics is not the same as research mathematics. (Proper) Mathematics, often perceived as abstract and complex, poses a unique challenge in terms of communication, particularly to children. The key to overcoming this challenge lies in rendering mathematical research accessible and engaging to young learners. This conference invites researchers, educators, and practitioners to explore the methodologies, strategies, and benefits of conveying mathematical research to children effectively. This lack of an adequate picture of mathematics propagates via all citizens into society at large.
The transmission of mathematical concepts to children necessitates an understanding of their cognitive abilities, interests, and perspectives. It, just like the communication to laypeople, also presupposes that we understand mathematical practice, which is not a given. The understanding of the actual practices is often described as “philosophy of mathematical practice”.
Equally significant is the narrative and language employed while communicating mathematical research. The use of storytelling, visuals, games, and practical examples can demystify mathematics, linking abstract concepts to concrete realities. This conference seeks to highlight the innovative practices and strategies employed by educators and researchers in making mathematical research relatable (to lay people and especially to children).
This workshop, thus, aims to stimulate conversations around the why's and how's of communicating mathematical research to children and laypeople. Through keynotes, panel discussions, and interactive sessions, attendees will gain insights into the best practices, challenges, and future directions in this critical field. The conference invites participation from mathematicians, educators and philosophers and anyone interested in the intersection of mathematics, education, and communication. Together, we aim to foster publication engaging with the description of mathematical practice, and invite mathematicians to communicate their (subjective) perspective, as some important mathematicians like Thurston already did. We finally want to develop concrete educational material to be published after the workshop.
Some themes could be (but are not limited to):
the usage of educational software and automated theorem proving
ethical issues connected to the narratives surrounding mathematics
enriching highly gifted children
documenting scientific practice and methodological issues of the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice
Each day of the workshop will have a keynote lecture, contributed talks and time to develop concrete follow up projects and material. One day might be devoted in part to a social activity.
Speakers and participants
== Invited keynotes:
Thorsten Altenkirch (University of Nottingham) [Online]
Paul Ernest (University of Exeter)
Juan Miguel Ribera Puchades (UIB)
Keith Weber (Rutgers) [Online]
== Contributed talks by:
Jordi Fairhurst (UIB)
CP Hertogh (Chongqing University)
Hugo Lortie-Forgues (Loughborough University)
José A. Pérez-Escobar (University of Geneva)
Jonas Raab (Trinity College Dublin)
Andrei Rodin (University of Lorraine)
Deniz Sarikaya (CLPS at Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Mira Sarikaya (Universität Hamburg)
Seungyun Song (Tilburg University)
Irina Starikova (Federal University of Minas Gerais)
Benjamin Wilck (Buber institute)
One more speakers to be announced
== Further Participants (that did not opposed beeing listed here):
Ricardo Alberich Masrtí (University of the Balearic Islands)
Giuseppe Bianco
Tamara Díaz Chang (Universidad Austral de Chile)
Million Chauraya (Midlands State University)
Olivera J. Đokič (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Education)
James Drimalla (University of Virginia)
Karen Francois (VUB)
Hyomin Kang (University of Tsukuba)
Mariam Makramalla (NewGiza University)
Elena Menta Oliva (University of Barcelona (UB))
Flávio Pires
Anita Rampal (Delhi University)
Tushar Saluja (CBSE)
Fatih Taş (Bartın University)
Nhoriel Toledo (Centro Escolar University and Ateneo de Manila University)
Natsuki Uchikubo (University of Tsukuba, Graduate school of Comprehensive Human Science)
Sarah van Ingen Lauer (University of South Florida)
The conference starts early on May 21st and ends in the afternoon of to May 24th, 2024.
There is a guided tour through Palma and a conference dinner on Thursday.
The schedule can be found here.
Supported by the FWO-project "The Epistemology of Big Data: Mathematics and the Critical Research Agenda on Data Practices", Swiss National Science Foundation project "Mathematical models and normativity in biology and psychology: descriptions, or rules of description? (P5R5PH_214160) and the Centre for Logic & Philosophy of Science research Group at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels (VUB). Ayuda Margarita Salas of the Ministerio de Universidades, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, and financed by the European Union (NextGenrationEU).
This event is endorsed by DMRCP: Diversity of Mathematical Research Cultures and Practices.