Welcome to BSidesMunich 2017
New! The 2018 conference is coming to Munich on April 8-9 - check out the details at bsidesmunich.org.
BSidesMunich is the premiere, independently organized computer security event in the Munich, Germany area, bringing together both local and internationally renowned experts. As an offshoot of our Meetup group, MUC:SEC, this conference extends our goals of bringing local computer security professionals together, exchanging ideas and experience and most importantly, establishing trust relationship within our community. This event is free.
BSides events are hosted all over the world and are community driven conferences. This also means that the conference will be what every attendee makes of it. So the success of the event will depend on your active participation, give a talk (in English), create a workshop, design a challenge for other attendees, help with the CTF or sponsoring.
Newsletter: Sign up for our newsletter or follow us on twitter to receive updates about this conference, call-for-papers (CFP) and ticket availability.
BSidesMunich2017 in numbers
78 participants
10 presentations
3 workshops
8 organisers
5 sponsors
1 videographer
1 photographer
... and 9 hours of IT security fun...
Looking forward to #BSidesMUC2018!
Event details
BSides came to Munich for the first time in 2017:
- Date: April 3rd, 2017 @9:00
- Venue: Freibadstraße 30, 81543 München.
- Rooms: One large room for talks, one smaller room for workshops and another smaller break-out room (where we encourage any follow-up questions and discussions after a talk or workshop).
- Tickets: Tickets are gone - but you can always join the waiting list!
- CFP: Call for Papers has ended February 20th, 2017.
- Agenda: The Talks and the Workshops have been announced (and sold out!) - the recordings have been published and are linked there.
- Check out the Photos from the event ;)
- If you attended the conference, we're grateful for your feedback provided in the Survey - thank you!
Want to help?
If you want to help, just contact us. Tweet us @BsidesMunich or write us an email to info at bsidesmunich dot org.
We still need
BSidesMunich 2017
info [at] bsidesmunich [dot] org
Impressum - Data Privacy - Press
Credit: We thank Stefan Meister for his contribution to the BSidesMunich Logo.