General Information


The BEA (Bandon Education Association) is the bargaining unit for licensed staff.

Association President: Ashley Pearson- Bandon High School

The OSEA (Oregon School Employees Association) Chapter 112 is the bargaining unit for classified staff.

Association President: Torrie Crofut- Transportation Department

Board Meetings /Communication

Regular Board meetings are held on the second Monday of the month at the district office or in a school building. A meeting calendar is published each July. Meetings begin at 6:30 PM. All regular and special meetings of the Board are open to the public unless as otherwise provided by law. Board meetings are currently translated in Zoom meetings.

All staff members are invited to attend Board meetings. All formal communications or reports to the Board or any Board committee from principals, teachers or other staff members will be submitted through the superintendent.

All official Board communications, policies and information of staff interest will be communicated to staff through the superintendent to local building supervisors and administrators.

Building Hours

The buildings are accessible to staff during the course of the school year between the hours of 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM weekdays. Staff members requiring access at other times, including weekends, may do so when approved by the building principal.

During summer and other times during the school year when school is not in session, the building may be open for staff access with permission from the building administrator and/or district office.

Community Use Of District Facilities

Board policy KG sets out the guidelines under which school buildings and other District facilities are made available to community groups. Such use is only granted when it does not interfere with district programs.

As classrooms may be scheduled outside regular building hours, all staff members are encouraged to leave their rooms in order and to secure personal items. The district is not responsible for personal items left on district property. The form is available through the school office or the district business office.

Title IX Notice

Bandon School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status or veterans’ status in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding discrimination:

Superintendent Shauna Schmerer

455 9th St SW

Bandon, OR 97411

(541) 347-4411

As outlined in Board Policy, the following procedure shall be used when filing a complaint:

Step 1:

Complaints may be oral or in writing and must be filed with the principal. Any staff member that receives an oral or written complaint shall report the complaint to

the principal. The principal shall investigate and determine the action to be taken,

if any, and reply in writing, to the complainant within 10 school days of receipt of

the complaint.

Step 2:

If the complainant wishes to appeal the decision of the principal, the complainant

may submit a written appeal to the superintendent or designee within 5 school days after receipt of the principal’s response to the complaint. The superintendent or designee shall review the principal’s decision within 10 school days and may meet

with all parties involved. The superintendent or designee will review the merits of

the complaint and the principal’s decision. The superintendent or designee will

respond in writing to the complainant within 10 school days.

Step 3:

If the complainant is not satisfied with the decision of the superintendent or

designee, a written appeal may be filed with the Board within 5 school days of

receipt of the superintendent or designee’s response to Step 2. The Board may

decide to hear or deny the request for appeal at a Board meeting. If the Board

decides to hear the appeal, the Board may meet with the concerned parties and

their representative at the next regular or special Board meeting. The Board’s

decision will be final and will address each allegation in the complaint and contain reasons for the Board’s decision. A copy of the Board’s final decision shall be sent

to the complainant in writing or electronic form within 10 days of this meeting.