
Part A. 

Describe your Capstone Challenge and how you identified it. 

Kalispell Public Schools has long struggled to recruit and retain self contained special education teachers.  In my tenure in the district, in self contained, I have witnessed and participated in the turnover of many qualified staff due to the demands of the position.  Collaborations with peers with both life skills and behavioral peers across grade levels have given me a personal understanding of the various struggles we all face in trying to navigate doing this work and having positive lives outside.  I have had the privilege of connecting with district level administration and they have expressed the challenges in finding and retaining qualified people for these positions. Underlying this turnover, was the idea that self contained teachers do not feel supported, especially because our context is so different.  Even when the district (buildings, etc) provides support for all teachers such as more meaningful professional development opportunities, etc, those of this in this group don’t feel like they apply to us.  Because of this, it is easy to feel isolated, lonely, and in some cases disrespected.   

In beginning to brainstorm project ideas, I thought about two different ways that I can support the self contained teacher: this included group connections via a monthly group and the implementation of a stipend that could help incentive those who take on the position.  In order to take these approaches, I needed to have the support of building and district level administration, as well as various members of the budgeting and negotiations teams.  The cohort was designed to help teachers with a variety of different levels of experience who in various different levels of self contained programs (K-5, 6-8, and 9-12), including both our life skills and emotional behavioral disorder programs.  

Part B.  

TLI Early Correspondence

Early Correspondence with MFPE Field Officer

Early correspondence with MFPE Field Officer Melanie Charlson where I sought information about precedents for stipends for special teaching populations with past CBAs in Montana 

Self Contained Teacher Survey

This was the initial survey I administered to self contained teachers within Kalispell Public Schools.  An overview of results are cited in the "Do" section and stipend proposal ("Design section")   

Cohort Emails

Initial Email to KPS Self contained teachers

This is the email I sent to all self contained teachers inviting them to participate in the cohort.  I mainly wanted to begin to ingratiate myself to potential group members, as well as communicate the premise of the group, etc.   

Self contained cohort interest survey

This survey was sent with the initial email to glean teacher preferences, etc.  Information was used in planning our initial and future meetings.  

Union Negotiations Meeting Notes/Takeaways

Kea negotiations session information

I attended an informational session hosted by KEA in which the negotiations team congregated and we were provided information on process, timelines, district needs and priorities and format for CBA Proposals.  Here are the notes that I took during that session as they relate to cohort stipend process.