Bryantodus crassidens Ulrich & Bassler, 1926

1926 Bryantodus crassidens n. sp. - Ulrich & Bassler, pag. 23, Plate 6, fig. 17-18.

Original description - Similar to B. typicus but differs in its more regular curvature and more uniform development of the denticles, giving them a neater aspect on the whole. The basal part of the main cusp is thicker on both sides but especially on the inner side where the membrane-like connection with the adjacent denticles is much less evident. The species differs from most others in the great thickness of the denticles near the base and their relative shortness and their greater length and also straighter extremities. The denticles are also fewer than usual with seven or eight behind the main cusp gradually diminishing posteriorily and usually four anteriorily increasing in front of it.

Occurrence - Rhinestreet Formation, U. S. A. (Ulrich & Bassler, 1926).

Age range - Upper Devonian (Ulrich & Bassler, 1926).

Cotype - Cat. No. 11263, U.S.N.M.


- Ulrich, E. O., Bassler, S. (1926) - A classification of the toothlike fossils, conodonts, with descriptions of american Devonian and Mississippian species. Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum, vol. 68: 63p.

Fig. 1 - Bryantodus crassidens in Ulrich & Bassler (1926).