Bryantodus amalitus Stauffer, 1938

1938 Bryantodus amalitus n. sp. - Stauffer, pag. 419, Plate 48, fig. 18, 19.

Original description - Base broad, thick, a very slight suggestion of flattening or escutcheon beneath the cusp, aboral surface mostly keeled, sides rounded. Anterior limb is the broader, bearing eight, ten, twelve or more nearly straight denticles tending to parallel the cusp, and with denticle next to cusp large, making almost a double cusp. Posterior limb bears eight or ten, possibly more, small straight sharp denticles paralleling cusp. Denticles and cusp slightly compressed laterally, edges confluent throughout most of their length.

Occurrence - The middle of the Olentangy shale at Deep Run, , Franklin County, Ohio, U. S. A. (Stauffer, 1938).

Age range - Devonian (Stauffer, 1938).

Syntypes - B 4758; B 4759; Geological Museum, University of Minnesota.


- Stauffer, C. R. (1938) - Conodonts of the Olentangy Shale. Journal of Paleontology, vol. 12(5): pp. 411-443.