The housing supply channel of monetary policy (with Martin Iseringhausen and Frédéric Opitz)

The Zombie Lending Channel of Monetary Policy (with Chenyu Mao)

The Rise of the Walking Dead: Zombie Firms Around the World (with Roshan Iyer)

Consumption effects of mortgage payment holidays during the Covid-19 pandemic (with Alex Varadi)

Financial concerns and the marginal propensity to consume in COVID times: evidence from UK survey data (with Georgina Green)

Corporate debt booms, financial constraints, and the investment nexus

Monetary policy and US housing expansions: The case of time-varying supply elasticities, (with Martin Iseringhausen and Frédéric Opitz)

Changing supply elasticities and regional housing booms, (with Knut Are Aastveit and André Anundsen)

Has US household deleveraging ended? A model-based estimate of equilibrium debt, (with Ursel Baumann and Georgi Krustev)