Welcome to my web page!

I am an economist with 14 years of international experience in central banking (International Monetary Fund, European Central Bank, Bank of England, Banco de Portugal, Norges Bank). I currently work in the Macrofinancial unit in the Strategy, Policy and Review Department of the International Monetary Fund. I am interested in empirical macroeconomics, monetary policy, and the linkages between private debt, financial stability, and the real economy. 

I am also a Guest Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economics - University of Coimbra (FEUC), with an affiliation with the Centre for Business and Economics Research (CeBER).


International Monetary Fund709 19th Street, NWWashington, D.C. 20431BAlbuquerque@imf.orgbrunoalbuquerque19@yahoo.com

Recent working papers

> [Latest version]

> Summary: SUERF Policy Brief 

> [Latest version]

> Summary: VoxEU 

> Media Coverage: InterConnectedness Newsletter 2023 Halloween, Klement on Investing blog

> [Latest version] [Online appendix] [Dataset]

> Summary: VoxEU 

> Media Coverage: Financial Times, CNBC (video, article), Bloomberg (Newsletter, Opinion), The Washington Post, Barron's, NACM, Instituto + Liberdade (in Portuguese), InterConnectedness Newsletter (2023Q3, 2023 Halloween), Portuguese Economy Research report

Selected publications

> [Online appendix] [WP version]

> Summary: VoxEU and Bank Underground blog

> [Online appendix] [WP version] [Replication codes]

> Summary: VoxEU and Bank Underground blog

> [Online Appendix] [WP version] [Replication codes]

> Summary: VoxEU and Bank Underground blog

> Media coverage: The Economist (I), (II), (III), (IV), Marginal Revolution

> [Online appendix] [WP version] [Replication codes]

> [Supplementary material] [WP version]