Our Garden

What's Growing?

Lemon Balm

The green leaves of lemon balm have the scent of lemon with a hint of mint, with leaves that look like oversized mint—no surprise, since lemon balm is part of the mint family. Lemon balm can grow 24 to 36 inches tall. Its leaves lose much of its flavor when dried, so it is a seasonal delight to be enjoyed while the weather is mild and the plant is green. These fresh, flavorful leaves are used to brew tea, flavor fruit or green salad, and season fish.

Read More: https://bonnieplants.com/growing/growing-lemon-balm/


Best known as an ingredient in pies and tarts, rhubarb is a perennial with edible celery-like stalks. The leaves contain high concentrations of oxalic acid and should not be eaten. While rhubarb is sometimes eaten raw with sugar sprinkled on it, most uses for this plant are in recipes where its tart flavor is a unique addition. Because it is perennial, it will stay in the garden for years to come. Fun Fact: Rhubarb plants can grow to be 4 feet wide and 4 feet tall!

Read More: https://bonnieplants.com/product/rhubarb/


Peppermint plants are easy to grow and can grow to 18 to 24 inches tall. They have square stems tend to run rampantly over — and under — soil. Peppermint thrives alongside water gardens or in damp spots in the yard, but will also survive in drier soil. Their leaves can be crushed fresh and put into water for a refreshing beverage, or added to iced tea. You can also dry leaves for flavoring dishes or beverages and making desserts like meringues, cookies, or cakes.

Read More: https://bonnieplants.com/product/peppermint/



Cherry Radishes


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