
8/12/21 Meeting - Tea Blends

We will be making our own tea blends today!

8/5/21 Meeting - Tea and Talk

Welcome back! Today we will be drinking tea and discussing activities for out next meetings!

4/6/21 Meeting - Spring Planting

Hope everyone is having an awesome break! Tomorrow at 1 pm we will meet to work in the school garden - it is supposed to be beautiful out! We'll be cleaning up the beds and putting some seeds and plants in!

3/30/21 Meeting - Soil Spectacular!

We will be reviewing soil, and how to start your seeds indoors to then plant in your garden outside!

3/23/21 Meeting - Scones

We will be making scones this week!

Here is the basic scone recipe:

3 cups flour

1/2 cup sugar

1 Tablespoon (overfull) baking powder

1 pint (2 cups) heavy cream

Here are different flavorings you can add, depending upon your preference:

Ginger Cardamon

3/4 cup crystallized ginger, chopped

1 Tablespoon Almond extract

2 teaspoons ground Cardamon

Chocolate Chips and Cinnamon

3/4 cup chocolate chips

1 Tablespoon Cinnamon

1 Tablespoon Orange extract

2 Tablespoon dried Orange Rind (optional)

Apricots and Almond

3/4 cup chopped dried Apricots

1/4 cup chopped Almonds

1 Tablespoon Almond extract

Lemon Poppyseed

2 teaspoons poppyseeds

1 teaspoon Lemon extract

3/16/21 Meeting - Planning Garden for Spring

We will be discussing possible plants to put into the garden this Spring and planning garden preparation!

2/23/21 Meeting - Check in

Welcome back! How was break? We will be discussing some new things!

2/9/21 Meeting - Canceled

Mrs. DeCoste out this week! Have a great break!

1/26/21 Meeting - Elderberry Syrup

We will be making Elderberry Syrup this week!

Please confirm with Mrs. DeCoste at if you are planning to make the syrup so she can bag up the berries for you! She will set them on the table outside of her office (in the main office) with your names on the bags.

Members will have to supply the additional items on the list:

1 cinnamon stick, 1/2 tablespoon fresh ginger sliced, 1/2 tablespoon dried whole cloves, 1 3/4 cups water, 1/2 cup honey, Saucepan to make it in, Fine-meshed sieve or colander, Jar to store syrup

Felicia's Syrup

Tiana's Syrup


1/12/21 Meeting - Natural Hygiene Products

Happy New Year! Hope everyone had a great break!

We will discussing herbal/natural cleaning and face/body products this week!

12/15/20 Meeting - Tea Blends

We will be making tea blends this week!

Search your cupboards and cabinets for any spices or herbs you can find! Together we will make our own unique tea blends and talk about the health benefits of the various ingredients!

12/8/20 Meeting - Birdseed Pinecones

We will be making pinecone bird feeders this week to give to the Healing Garden!

The Virginia Thurston Healing Garden provides a community of support where those affected by cancer can participate in educational programs and classes, experiential stress-reducing activities and individual therapeutic services to promote resiliency and recovery.

Learn more about the Healing Garden here:

Please let Mrs. DeCoste know if you plan to participate so she can provide the right number of kits.

12/1/20 Meeting - Boxwood Trees

We will be making Boxwood trees this week!

Please let Mrs. DeCoste know if you plan to participate so she can provide the right number of kits.

The kits will include: Floral foam, plastic dish, boxwood, a bow (made of red raffia or cream and golden ribbon).

You will need to provide at home: IF DESIRED any extra decoration items (bows, ribbons, ornaments, etc.).

Felicia's Tree

Tiana's Tree

Felicia's Tree (but its got antlers)

11/24/20 Meeting - Working on the Website

We will be working on the new Garden Club Website this week!

11/10/20 Meeting - Chocolate Peppermint Bark

We will be making Chocolate Peppermint bark this week!

There are 8 vials of Peppermint essential oil available in a small wooden box on the table just outside of my office for pick up tomorrow and Tuesday.

You will need to provide at home: 1 bag (@12 oz) of dark chocolate, sea salt, and 2 Tbsp of Goji berries or craisins, if desired. You may also chop up @1/4 cup of almonds or some other nut, to use. We will be melting the chocolate, so you will need a pan for that, as well as a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or wax paper. You are going to LOVE it!!

Please let Mrs. DeCoste know if you plan to participate so she can provide more kits if needed.

Jacquie's Peppermint Bark

Tiana's Bulbs 1/24/21

10/27/20 Meeting - Bulb Forcing Workshop

We will be planting flower bulbs this week that will bloom this winter!

There will be 6 kits available for pick up at Bromfield in Mrs. DeCoste's office (room 205, off the main office) on Monday, 10/26 and Tuesday, 10/27. The kits will include flower bulbs, flower pots, and soil.

You will need to provide at home: Water, newspapers, and your imagination and creativity!

Please let Mrs. DeCoste know if you plan to participate so she can provide more kits if needed.

10/20/20 Meeting: Flower Arrangements in Pumpkins

We will be creating flower arrangements is pumpkins this week!

There will be 6 kits available for pick up at Bromfield in Mrs. DeCoste's office (room 205, off the main office) on Monday, 10/19 and Tuesday, 10/20. The kits will include a pumpkin, piece of floral foam, and a bundle of flowers.

You will need to provide at home: Knife (for cutting top off), scissors, cup or similar (to keep wet floral foam from rotting bottom of pumpkin), newspapers, spoon/bowl for pumpkin seeds, your imagination and creativity!

Please let Mrs. DeCoste know if you plan to participate so she can provide more kits if needed!

Felicia's Arrangment

Tiana's Arrangment

Naomi's Arrangement