Gatis Eglitis

Gatis Eglitis serves as the Executive Director at Exante. Gatis Eglītis comes from Latvia. At an early age Gatis displayed interest in mathematics, which became a decisive factor in later years when choosing a specialization. After school he began studying international economic relations. After undergraduate studies, he decided to obtain a master's degree from the University of Latvia. Subsequently, Gatis entered the Copenhagen Business School. Having completed his studies, he received a Master's degree in Finance and Strategic Management.

Careers and work before EXANTE

Gatis first worked at Saxo Bank. There, he was involved in trading, business development, and institutional sales. He worked as an institutional sales trader. Afterwards, he earned the title of an Institutional Sales Manager.

He worked there until 2011. After meeting the co-founders of Exante, he became a member of the executive and investment committee. At that moment, Exante grew and entered the Maltese market, and Gatis took up his position there. In 2016, Gatis already held the position of Managing Partner of EXT ltd. His task was business development and development of Exante.

Gatis has always been interested in the global financial markets and economics, developing his knowledge and skills in the field. His knowledge and determination enabled him to become an indispensable component of Exante's business development team. Thanks to his ideas, work and experience the company has evolved from a local market player to a global service provider. The company has become a globalist, bringing together markets and investors from different parts of the world.

His personal qualities, experience in the industry, and ability to communicate with people of different categories helped him find an approach to world-class investors. These were not ordinary investors, but sophisticated, high-class ones who did not "grab" every opportunity that came their way.

Gatis has noted that until 2011, brokerage services in Malta had been in decline. There was no global player that could please hedge funds, which were pursuing a very aggressive policy in the market.

Work and career at EXANTE

2011 and the launch of the company in Malta played an important role not only for Exante itself, but also for domestic market participants. From that moment, the category of brokers, which placed an emphasis on domiciliation of funds, was able to fully realize itself, to unlock the potential. All because Exante was the most suitable tool for investors from Malta. But this is only one side of the coin. The second is that the company was founded on the principle "by traders for traders". And this helped to solve the problem of the region, in the aspect of insufficient indicator of market development.

Exante was also a platform for funds that managed several types of assets all at once. Simultaneously, the assets were handled only in an online format. Thanks to Gatis and his colleagues, these funds got an opportunity not just to trade, but also to advertise their strategies. The combination of all factors presented above made Exante not just a destination, but a universal center for investors.

The company's strategy is working. It doesn't just target large, high-net-worth investors. It also welcomes industry newcomers who are focused on international, long-term equity investments.

The functionality and ergonomics of the company's website is designed so that a beginner could understand all of the options and possibilities. At the same time, experienced investors do not feel "left out", quite the contrary. Accessibility is a delicate craft, as Gatis himself says. It is very important to strike a balance between the parameters of "accessibility and functionality".

"It doesn't matter to our business model whether clients make thousands of trades a day or just buy and hold instruments for years. Everyone is welcome and prices are the same for everyone, regardless of whether they are high or low volume traders."

The developers have built the platforms in such a way that a client can obtain access to each instrument using only one account with a bank card. It is enough to trade any financial product in the world economy. Only Exante gives its users an opportunity to switch quickly from assets to assets of different categories.

It was Gatis Eglitis who insisted on regular improvement and expansion of the company's partner pool. This has resulted in the company having over 400,000 instruments for financial transactions in 50 different markets. Members of the platform can easily compose and create balanced portfolios.

A new life and a different reality

Gatis, on numerous occasions, has received offers and invitations to take part in events on finance, technology, the future, with the purpose of sharing his forecasts and prospects. But that's not the only reason. Gatis himself is an ardent supporter of the environment and the safety of companies for the environment. Unlike many "environmentalists" from the world of big business, Gatis invites you to follow his personal example. He has moved from Denmark to Malta. The local landscape and nature struck him. He was surprised that such areas of the Mediterranean Sea were barren, even though they could be green. Gatis gathered the members of his team and set about greening the area. At once more than 250 trees were planted.

This became the starting point for the broker. Since then, he has been a regular participant in landscaping projects. The most recent project was called "Il-Ġardina". Gatis and the team planted a large garden at the center for people with cancer. The center is named after "Sir Anthony Mamo." And Gatis, on a regular basis, engages his colleagues from the world of finance in charitable programs, stimulating their interest in philanthropy.