Dr. Brojeshwar Bhowmick
Fellow IETE, Senior Member IEEE
Principal Scientist and Head
Visual Computing and Embodied AI research area
TCS Research, Kolkata, India
Associate Editor Springer - SNCS
Email: b.bhowmick@tcs.com; brojeshwar@ieee.org
Dr. Brojeshwar Bhowmick is a Principal Scientist and head of Visual Computing and Embodied AI research area at TCS Research. Over the past 20+ years, his research has focused on the intersection of computer vision, computer graphics, and AI to build interactive 3D digital representations of the physical world, which can be used to train embodied agents for reasoning, acting, and planning.
Dr. Bhowmick completed his doctoral studies at IIT Delhi, where his research on large-scale 3D reconstruction contributed to the digitization of Indian heritage sites. As a visiting scientist at the Graphics, Vision, and Video group at MPII in Germany, he worked on algorithms for 3D human digitization and 3D garment transfer. He earned his B.Tech in Computer Science from the University of Kalyani, West Bengal.
In recent years at TCS Research, he has developed many novel solutions, including one of the first adaptive and expressive talking head generation methods, 3D mapping for robot navigation (SLAM), 3D point cloud registration, object-based 3D mapping, a neural task planning method for a housekeeping robot, an intelligent telepresence robot with cognitive navigation and HRI, and one of the first neural methods for virtual try-ons that can handle 3D loose garments with different fabrics and topologies. Currently he and his team is actively working on Spatial Computing where his aim is to build Spatial Intelligence algorithms and frameworks to support Always ON AI from XR glass data, 3D generative AI with environment-aware blending and next-gen human computer interfaces like aero-haptic, holograms etc.
Prior to TCS Research, he worked as a project associate at the Indian Statistical Institute and as a computer vision and machine learning lead at a start-up (Videonetics), where he developed neural network-aided algorithms for diagnosing microcalcification in mammograms and segmentation, classification, tracking for humans counting in crowds for intelligent video surveillance respectively.
Dr. Bhowmick is a Fellow of the IETE, a Senior Member of the IEEE, and an Associate Editor of the Springer SNCS journal. He has received the Best Paper Award at ICVGIP twice (2018 and 2021), the Best Demo Award at ICDCN 2020, third place in the global robotics rearrangement challenge in 2022, and the Patent Champion Award at TCS Research in 2016. He has published over 70 research papers and holds more than 50 granted patents. Two of his works have been featured by NDTV gadget 360 and TechXplore. He has supervised 25 B.Tech students, 15 master’s students, and is currently supervising two PhD theses.
He has served as an organizing committee member of ICVGIP 2020 and 2021, the ICCV workshop in 2023, ISBI 2022, and the cognitive robotics workshop at RoMAN 2019. He has also served as a TPC member for conferences such as CVPR, ICLR, NeurIPS, AAAI, IJCAI, ICML, ECCV, and ICCV.
His research interests include 3D computer vision and graphics, large-scale 3D reconstruction, 3D human digitization, human-computer interaction, AR/VR, Embodied AI and deep reinforcement learning.