If you are one of my students, hello! You can find any and all information on the canvas page. This website is more for research and career things, so you won't find things that are specific to your class. Feel free to come talk to me about research and grad school though! It's never too early to start thinking about your future goals.
Classes taught as Instructor of Record:
Mat 22 B: Differential Equations, Summer 2023, U.C. Davis
Mat 16 B: Short (Integral) Calculus, Summer 2022, U.C. Davis
Math 302: Transition to Higher Mathematics, Spring 2021, SDSU
Classes assisted with as a Teaching Assistant (TA):
Mat 22 A: Linear Algebra, Winter 2025, U.C. Davis
Mat 167: Applied Linear Algebra, Fall 2024, U.C. Davis
Mat 108: Introduction to Abstract Mathematics, Winter 2024, U.C. Davis
Mat 17 A: (Differential) Calculus for Biology and Medicine, Fall 2023, Winter/ Spring 2024, U.C. Davis
Mat 21 C: (Series and Vector) Calculus, Spring 2022-Spring 2023, U.C. Davis
Mat 21 B: (Integral) Calculus, Winter 2021, U.C. Davis
Mat 16 A: Short (Differential) Calculus, Fall 2021, U.C. Davis
Math 522: Number Theory, Spring 2021, SDSU
Math 579: Combinatorics, Fall 2020, SDSU
Math 150: Calculus 1, Fall 2019-Fall 2020, SDSU