
Research Funding & Awards

Project Grant Funding

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Funding

Graduate Studies Funding

A frog injected with fluorescein that is glowing green under blue light. The top right of the image shows a close up of the blood vessels of the retina through the lens of the eye. 

Conference Awards

An X. laevis retina labelled with wheat germ agglutinin (magenta; rod and cone outer segments), calbindin (green; cone inner segments and bipolar cells), vimentin (orange; Muller cells and cytoskeletal components), and Hoechst (cyan; nuclei). 

Imaging Awards

ARVO Scientific Imaging Contest. (2021). Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. 

1st place. Striking Image Competition. (2015). Synder Institute for Chronic Disease.