About Britny

 Want to know more about me?  

I have worked in the field of Marketing for six years and each day is as exciting as the first due to the ever-evolving marketing landscape of technology, tools, and algorithms.  I am interested in all things marketing and look to utilize my passion and experience to bring OKRs and KPIs to life through data-driven optimizations. 

I have managed several campaigns, but my greatest joy is engaging stakeholders to hear their goals and objectives.  Presenting research findings of users, potential users, and client data insights has proven to relax stakeholders as they understand there is a plan and manageable way to strategize and be connected to their audiences.  I maintain a growth mindset and personally invest in my education, volunteer my services, and learn from my peers.  

The aspects that give me the greatest satisfaction are related to strategic engagement and integrated plans around product launches, content creation, user research, social media, communications, and events.  

"You can't use up creativity.  The more you use, the more you have."

- Maya Angelou, author, poet, civil rights activist

 "Your brand is a story unfolding across all customer touch points.” 

-Jonah Sachs