SD-INBRE History
SD-INBRE is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Institutional Development Award (IDeA) program known as INBRE (IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence) through the National Institute of General Medical Science (NIGMS) Center for Research Capacity Building. SD-INBRE received 3 years of funding from NIH from the original BRIN program in 2002 and has received three five year grants since then from the INBRE program continuing until 2020.
SD-INBRE Program Goals
Continue to develop a strong collaborative network within South Dakota to enhance basic biomedical research capabilities
Foster interdisciplinary research in the control of cell growth with special emphasis on proteomics and genomics
Enhance research capacity and critical mass of investigators through mentorship of junior investigators at the lead institution
Maintain professionally staffed core facilities in proteomics and genomics for use by investigators throughout the region
Provide increased opportunities for graduate training in the core disciplines
Provide research support and mentoring for junior investigators and faculty members from partner institutions
Provide training and research opportunities for students at predominantly undergraduate institutions
Introduce undergraduate students to graduate programs and career opportunities in biomedical sciences and bioinformatics
Foster interest in further education and careers in science and research for students at tribal colleges through enhancement of their science education programs and provision of research opportunities