Brimfield Elementary PTA

What is the PTA?

The Brimfield Elementary Parent Teacher Association is a group of parents and teachers who want to work together to raise money for the school.  We do multiple fundraisers and events every year to support the school with large projects, support students who need our help, and to give the teachers money to spend in their classrooms. Brimfield Elementary PTA is part of the National Parent Teacher Association (National PTA). The National PTA is the largest and oldest volunteer organization working exclusively on behalf of children and youth.  Every person who joins a local PTA automatically becomes a member of both the state's PTA and National PTA

Who is involved?

We are a group who runs on volunteers only.  We have a president, vice president, treasurer and secretary along with many voting members. We are always looking for new members and it is never too late in the year to join! We don't require anything of you but joining gives you voting rights and a way to stay connected!  Our monthly meetings are in the library as well as on zoom. Come hang out! We are cool!

 Current Officers:

Join our Facebook Group HERE!

Sign up for our REMIND texts by texting "brimpta" to the number 81010


Email us at