Just a glimpse of what we do...


-Scholastic Book Fair

-Santa Shop

-Mother Son Event

-Brimfield Community Garage Sale

-Dine to Donate (varies yearly)

-Kalahari discount/fundraiser

-Coming soon: clothes/shoes donation bin

-Falcon Spirit Wear Fundraiser

-Community Open House

A few ways we use our funds...

Give Backs

-Yearly stipend to each teacher to use in their classroom

-Veteran's Day Assembly refreshments

-5th Grade Graduation & D.A.R.E Graduation refreshments

-Helping Hands Award given quarterly 

-Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week food

-Conference night food for staff

-Large school projects such as the outdoor classroom or school sound system

-Strong Falcons Fund for those students who need our help

-Bus Driver Appreciation Breakfast

-Field Day