Class One Reflection

For this reflections symbol I have chosen an empty book. This book represents the learning that I have to come. The first class allowed me to fill in the first few pages of my book of assessment, and I will continue to fill in the pages throughout this course and my professional career.  

All of my symbols will be created using Canva.

Class One Reflection

Throughout the first class of the semester, I was able to form a better understanding of what assessment is. This class consisted of looking through the course syllabus and  assessments, as well as encouraging deeper thought into what assessment is to us. 

In the beginning of the class I was able to see the views of my peers through a Poll Guru activity. In this activity we were asked to look at some of our own views on assessment and who we are as teachers. I found this very insightful in gaining an understanding of who the people in our 'staff' are. I learned that everyone in this course is different and has unique experiences and beliefs to bring forward. This is very representative of a diverse staff in a school. I believe the diversity of this group will help to bring forward many different perspectives creating a rich learning experience.

During class time I worked through the Assessment of Assessment activity. This activity allowed me to look further into my own ideas around assessment and why it is so important in the classroom setting. Below I have included my responses to this activity. I feel that having these answers available to reflect on throughout the semester will allow me to see my personal growth in my understanding of assessment as well as how I will conduct assessments moving forward in my professional career. 

Assessment of Assessment Answers

I also had the opportunity today to look into my own midset. In previous ncourses I have learned the importance of having a growth mindset, however I was never able to find out if I had one or not. After doing this quiz I realized that I have a "Strong Growth Mindset", which I think will be very helpful moving into my career. I also think that I will be able to use this to my advantage as I begin to enter the world of assessment. I think there is always room for more growth in this area and would love to take this quiz again at the end of this course to see if my score changes. 

The final activity that I found beneficial was the multiple intelligence quiz. This quiz allowed me to look at my areas of strength and my areas that I could improve on, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of my colleagues. I had always thought of myself as Intrapersonal, so I am not surprised this is my highest category. However, I did consider myself as someone who enjoys nature, so I was surprised that this was my lowest category. Completing this quiz made me wonder if I were to complete a different quiz of the same type if my results would be the same. 

I am looking forward to being able to come back to this reflection and see my progress in the field of assessment. I also feel that this reflection will help me as a move into my professional career as a way to look back on my own experiences of assessment and not lose sight of what it is like to be a student facing assessment. I have realized through this reflection that all of my feelings surrounding assessment are due to my own experiences as a student. I believe this is so important to keep in mind moving forward. Assessment is used to better the learning experience for our students, not to stress them out or hinder their ability to perform to their highest potential. In knowing this I will be able to perform assessment in a meaningful and productive way in my classroom.