Bridget Maloney

Who Am I?

My name is Bridget Maloney and I am a third year student at the University of Regina in the Faculty of Education. I am currently working towards my Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education. 

In the future I hope to have my own Grade One or Two classroom, I have fallen in love with the younger grades through my Pre-Internship! It is my goal to help students develop a passion for learning at a young age to promote a life long desire to learn. 

I believe that every child has a place in the classroom  and  is capable of success when they are given the support they need.

In my free time I love to spend time with my three dogs (pictured above) Scout (left), Chex (middle), and Apollo (right), as well as spend time with my friends and family!

On this site I will be documenting my journey towards becomming an Educator!