
Visit me on Google Scholar for stats or ResearchGate for offprints

I have published 45 research papers, My work has been cited 734 times (Google Scholar citations by year on right). I have a H index of 17 and an i10 index of 22. Offprints of all papers are available on ResearchGate. This work has been conducted with researchers from across the globe (collaborator network, to right, is generated using the R package scholarnetwork)


1. Marley G., Lawrence A., Philip D. & Hayden B. Mangrove and mudflat food webs are segregated across four trophic levels, yet still connected by birds and a reptile. Marine Ecology Progress Series (Accepted)

2. Laske S., Amundsen P.-A., Christoffersen K., Erkinaro J., Guðbergsson G., Hayden B., Heino J., Holmgren K., Kahilainen K., Lento J., Orell P., Östergren J., Power M., Rafikov R., Romakkaniemi A., Solbakken J.-I., Svenning M., Swanson H., Whitman M., Zimmerman C. Circumpolar patterns of Arctic freshwater fish biodiversity: a baseline for monitoring. Freshwater Biology (Accepted)

3. Compson Z., Monk W., Hayden B., Bush A., O’Malley Z., Hajababaei M., Porter T., Wright M., Baker C., Sadnan Al-Manir M., Curry A. & Baird D. Verifying DNA-derived food webs for wetlands biomonitoring. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Accepted)

4. Thomas S., Kainz M., Amundsen P-A., Hayden B., Taipale S. & Kahilainen K. Quantifying resource polymorphism in European whitefish: analysis of fatty acid profiles provides more detailed evidence than traditional methods. PlosONE (Accepted).

5. Keva O., Käkelä R., Tang P., Hayden B., Taipale S., Harrod C. & Kahilainen K. (2019) Fish muscle quality drops during spawning – seasonal changes in fatty acid composition of salmonid fish in a subarctic lake. Freshwater Biology (In Press).

6. Hayden B., Samways K. Ferron M. & Cunjak R. (2019) Stable isotopes provide novel insight into the trophic ecology of ammocoete Sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) Journal of Fish Biology (In Press).

7. Hayden B., Palomares D., Smith B. & Poelen J. Biological and environmental drivers of trophic ecology in marine fishes - a global perspective. Scientific Reports 9 11415.

8. Abel-Adegbite, I., Gray, M., & Hayden, B. (2019). Investigation of Legacy Methane Seepage into Freshwater Food Webs Using Novel Applications in Stoney Creek, New Brunswick. Journal of Student Research 8 (1).

9. Hayden, B., C. Harrod, S. M. Thomas, A. P. Eloranta, J.-P. Myllykangas, A. Siwertsson, K. Præbel, R. Knudsen, P.-A. Amundsen, and K. K. Kahilainen. (2019) From clear lakes to murky waters – tracing the functional response of high-latitude lake communities to concurrent ‘greening’ and ‘browning’. Ecology Letters 22 (5) 807–816.

10. Kahilainen, K. K., Thomas, S. M., Harrod, C., Hayden, B., & Eloranta, A. (2019). Trophic ecology of piscivorous Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus (L.)) in subarctic lakes with contrasting food-web structures. Hydrobiologia 840 (1) 227–243.

11. Landsman S., Samways K., Hayden B., Knysh K. & van den Heuvel M. (2019) Assimilation of marine derived nutrients from anadromous Rainbow Smelt in an eastern North American riverine food web. Freshwater Science 37 (4) 747-757.

12. Ahonen S., Hayden B., Leppänen J., Kahilainen K. (2018) Climate and Productivity affect total mercury concentration and bioaccumulation rate of fish along a spatial gradient of subarctic lakes. Science of the Total Environment 637-638 (4) 1586-1596

13. Quezada-Romegialli C., Jackson A., Hayden B., Kahilainen K., Lopes C. & Harrod C. (2018) tRophicPosition, an R package for the Bayesian estimation of trophic position from consumer stable isotope ratios Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 9 (2) 1592-1599

14. Paris J.R., Sherman K.D., Bell E., Boulenger C., Delord C., El-Mahdi M.B.M., Fairfield E.A., Griffiths A.M., Gutmann Roberts C., Hedger R.D., Holman L.E., Hooper L.H., Humphries N.E., Katsiadaki I., King R.A., Lemopoulos A., Payne C.J., Peirson G., Richter K.K., Taylor M.I., Trueman C.N., Stevens, J.R. & Hayden B. (2018) Understanding & Managing Fish Populations: keeping the toolbox fit for purpose. Journal of Fish Biology. 93 (2) 727-751

15. Keva O., Hayden B., Harrod C. & Kahilainen K. (2017) Total mercury concentrations in liver, muscle and scales of European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus (L.)) in a subarctic lake - assessing the factors driving year-round variation. Environmental Pollution 231 (2) 1518-1526

16. Nielsen J., Clare E., Hayden B., Brett M. & Kratina P. (2017) Diet tracing in ecology: Method selection and comparison. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9 (2) 278 - 291

17. Thomas S., Harrod C., Hayden B., Malinen T. & Kahilainen K. (2017) Ecological speciation in a generalist consumer alters the trophic niche of a dominant predator. Scientific Reports 7 8765

18. Hayden B., Nithirojpakdee P., Tongnunui S., Beamish F.W.H., & Cunjak R.A. (2017) Variation in stable isotope ratios between fin and muscle tissues can alter assessment of resource use in tropical river fishes. Journal of Fish Biology 91 (2) 574-586

19. Kahilainen K., Thomas S.M., Nystedt E.K.M., Keva O., Malinen T. & Hayden B. (2017) Ecomorphological divergence drives differential mercury bioaccumulation in polymorphic European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) populations of subarctic lakes Science of the Total Environment 599-600 (1) 1768-1778

20. Rolls R., Hayden B. & Kahilainen K. (2017) Conceptualizing the interactive effects of climate change and biological invasions on subarctic freshwater fish. 7 (12) 4109 - 4128 Ecology and Evolution

21. Hayden B., Harrod C., Soto D. & Newsome S. (Eds) 2017 Special Feature: Biomarkers in Trophic Ecology. Ecosphere (

22. Hayden B., Myllykangas J.-P., Rolls R. & Kahilainen K. (2017) Climate and productivity shape fish and invertebrate community structure in subarctic lakes. Freshwater Biology 62 (6) 990 - 1003

23. Kainz M., Hager H. Rasconi S., Kahlainen K., Amundsen P.A- & Hayden B. (2017) Polyunsaturated fatty acids in fishes increase with total lipids irrespective of feeding sources and trophic position. Ecosphere 8 (4) e01753

24. Pauli J., Newsome S., Cook J., Harrod C., Steffan S., Baker C., Ben-David M., Bloom D., Bowen G, Cerling T., Cicero C., Cook C, Dohm M., Dharampale P., Graves G., Gropp R., Hobson K., Jordan C., MacFadden B., Pilaar Birch S., Poelen J., Ratnasingham S., Russell L., Stricker C., Uhen M., Yarnes C., & Hayden B. (2017) Opinion - Why we need a centralized repository for isotopic data. PNAS 114 (12) 2997-3001

25. Hampton S., Galloway A., Powers S., Ozersky T., Woo K., Batt R., Labou S., O’Reilly C., Sharma S., Lottig N., Stanley E., North R., Stockwell J., Adrian R., Weyhenmeyer G., Arvola L., Baulch H., Bertani I., Bowman L., Carey C., Catalan J., Colom-Montero W., Domine L., Felip M., Granados I., Gries C., Grossart H.-P., Haberman J., Haldna M., Hayden B., Higgins S., Jolley J., Kahilainen K., Kaup E., Kehoe M., MacIntyre S. , Mackay A., Mariash H., McKay R., Nixdorf B., Nõges P., Nõges T., Palmer M., Pierson D., Post D., Pruett M., Rautio M., Read J., Roberts S., Rücker J., Sadro S., Silow E., Smith D., Sterner R., Swann G., Timofeyev M., Toro M., Twiss M., Vogt R., Watson S., Whiteford E., and Xenopoulos M. (2016). Ecology under lake ice. Ecology Letters 28 (1) 98-111

26. Kahilainen K., Thomas S., Keva O., Hayden B., Knudsen R, Eloranta A., Tuohiluoto K., Amundsen P-A., Malinen T. & Järvinen A. (2016) Seasonal dietary shift to zooplankton influences stable isotope ratios and total mercury concentrations in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus (L.)). Hydrobioloigia 783 47-63

27. Knudsen R., Amundsen P.-A., Siwertsson A., Eloranta A., Hayden B. & Klemetsen A. (2016) Parallel evolution of profundal Arctic charr morphs in two contrasting fish communities. Hydrobioloigia 783 239-248

28. Knudsen R., Gjelland K., Amundsen P.-A., Hayden B. Siwertsson A., Eloranta A., & Klemetsen A. (2016) A specialised cannibalistic Arctic charr morph in the piscivore guild of a subarctic lake. Hydrobiologia 783 65-78

29. Hayden B., McWilliam-Hughes S. & Cunjak R. (2016) Stable isotope analysis reveals limited trophic transfer of allochthonous derived energy in river food webs. Freshwater Science 35 (2) 544-558

30. Hayden B., Soto, D., Romakkaniemi A., Jardine T., Cunjak R & Linnansaari T. (2015) Small tails tell tall tales – intra-individual variation in the δ13C, δ15N, δ2H and δ18O, isotope ratios of fish fin. PLOS One 10 (12) e0145154.

31. Hayden B., Harrod C., Sonninen E. & Kahilainen K. (2015) Seasonal depletion of resources intensifies trophic interactions in subarctic freshwater fish communities. Freshwater Biology 60 1000-1015

32. Hayden B., Harrod C. & Kahilainen K. (2014) Duel-fuels: relative role of benthic and pelagic derived energy and nutrients to maintenance, growth and gonadal development of a generalist benthivore. Journal of Animal Ecology. 83 1501-1512

33. Hayden B., Massa-Gallucci A., Harrod C., O’Grady M., Caffrey J. & Kelly-Quinn M. (2014) Trophic flexibility by roach Rutilus rutilus in novel habitats facilitates rapid growth and invasion success. Journal of Fish Biology. 84 1099-1116

34. Hayden B., McLoone P., Coyne J. & Caffrey J. (2014) Abundant hybridisation between cyprinid fishes outside of their native range. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 114 1-5

35. Hayden B., Harrod C. & Kahilainen K. (2014) Lake morphometry and resource polymorphism determine niche segregation between cool- and cold-water adapted fish. Ecology. 95 538-552

36. Reid N., Lundy M., Hayden B., Lynn D., Marnell F., McDonald R., Montgomery I. (2013) Detecting detectability: identifying and correcting bias in binary wildlife surveys demonstrates their potential impact on conservation assessments. European Journal of Wildlife Research 59 (6) 869-879

37. Hayden B. & Caffrey J. (2013) First recording of the Asian clam (Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774)) from the River Shannon, with preliminary notes on population size and size class distribution. Irish Naturalists’ Journal 32 (1) 29-31.

38. Hayden, B., Holopainen, T., Amundsen P.-A., Eloranta, A., Knudsen, R. Præbel & Kahilainen K. (2013) Ecological interactions between invading benthivores and native whitefish in subarctic lakes. Freshwater Biology 58 (6) 1234-1250.

39. Hayden, ­­B., Harrod, C. & Kahilainen, K. K. (2013). The effects of winter ice cover on the trophic ecology of whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus L.) in subarctic lakes. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 22 (2) 192-201.

40. Reid, N., Thompson, D., Hayden, B., Marnell, F. & Montgomery, W. I. (2013). Review and quantitative meta-analysis of diet suggests the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) is likely to be a poor bioindicator. Ecological Indicators 26 5-13.

41. Hayden, B., Massa-Gallucci, A., Caffrey, J., Harrod, C., Mariani, S., O’Grady, M. & Kelly-Quinn, M. (2011). Trophic dynamics within a hybrid zone – interactions between an abundant cyprinid hybrid and sympatric parental species. Freshwater Biology 56 1723-1735.

42. Hayden, B., Coscia, I. & Mariani, S. (2011). Low cytochrome b variation in bream Abramis brama. Journal of Fish Biology 78 1579-1587.

43. Hayden, B., Pulcini, D., Kelly-Quinn, M., O'Grady, M., Caffrey, J., McGrath, A. & Mariani, S. (2010). Hybridisation between two cyprinid fishes in a novel habitat: genetics, morphology and life-history traits. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10 169.

44. Toscano, B. J., Pulcini, D., Hayden, B., Russo, T., Kelly-Quinn, M. & Mariani, S. (2010). An ecomorphological framework for the coexistence of two cyprinid fish and their hybrids in a novel environment. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 99 768-783.