The Finck Lab

Washington University in St. Louis

Twitter @bnfinck

News and Happenings

We are hiring!

Seeking qualified postdoctoral candidates for research related to mitochondrial metabolism in a vibrant and thriving environment for postdoc training. Contact Brian Finck for more details

Lab meeting - July 21, 2022 - Summer undergrad fellows (pictured at right) ran our lab meeting today. They did a great job and really showcased what they learned this summer. We loved having you all!

July 2022 - A new review by Dr. Yiew! "The mitochondrial pyruvate carrier at the crossroads of intermediary metabolism"

May 2022 - ALT is not just a marker for liver injury. It's also a metabolic enzyme that regulates glucose production by the liver in diabetes.

July 29, 2021 - Lab meeting - Our undergrads (pictured at right) showcased their knowledge and research findings from the summer. Their enthusiasm was amazing and it was great to see how much they learned over the past few months! We can't wait to have them all back in the future.

Summer undergrads 2022 From left to right: Ella Bockhorn, Alaina Ballance, Andrew LaPoint, Sophie Eichler, and Meredith Kelly

Daniel Ferguson, PhD

January 2022 - Congrats to Daniel Ferguson on his promotion to Instructor in the Department of Medicine! Daniel is studying the effects of inhibition of the mitochondrial pyruvate metabolism on intramitochondrial metabolic crosstalk and macrophage metabolism.

January 2022 - Identification of novel inhibitors of the mitochondrial pyruvate carrier in J. Biol. Chem.

Dr. Jarasvaraparn and (future) Dr. Hodges verified the anti-diabetic effects of known MPC inhibitors and identified new ones including quinolone antibiotics. This allowed us to develop a pharmacophore model for MPC inhibitors and led to the identification of even more novel inhibitors.

From left to right: Shria Bucha, Sophie Eichler, and Meredith Kelly