Roofing Prices

Affordable Roofing Price from Brevard County Roof Repairs in Brevard County

Below is an example of a typical property as paid for by a major insurance carrier for hail damage. These are not Brevard County Roof Repairs Prices but are a guide and should be used as a benchmark. While Brevard County Roof Repairs will almost always meet these prices, we often can do better when needed. Price is only one of many factors that should be considered as the scope and quality of job bid will vary greatly from contractor to contractor.

A special note for anyone who does not live in Florida

Below are Florida prices that are significantly below the national average. Florida has no licensing and huge population of low-end contractors that keep prices in this market very low, even for quality contractors doing things the right way.

Trend – Material prices are trending up. Both asphalt and labor shortages for drivers are causing upward pressure. The current market in Brevard County is softer as no major storm has hit the area as on June 1, 2018.

Roofing price table

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