
I have been teaching since 2011 and below is a list of the classes I currently teach or have taught in the past.

Econ 1113: Principles of Macroeconomics

Description: This broad-based general education course surveys the field of Macroeconomics at an introductory level. Students learn about the economy and economic theory, with a focus on real-world examples and extensions. Student performance is evaluated using on-line home work problem sets and in-class exams.

Econ 1113 Syllabus

Econ 1123: Principles of Microeconomics

Description: This broad-based general education course surveys the field of Macroeconomics at an introductory level. Students learn about the economy and economic theory, with a focus on real-world examples and extensions. Student performance is evaluated using on-line home work problem sets and in-class exams.

Econ 1123 Syllabus

*Both Econ 1113 and 1123 I have taught in person and also online. During the summer 2019 I was put in charge of redesigning the online platform, course, videos, and all materials needed to run and teach the online Principles of Macroeconomics and Principles of Microeconomics classes at the University of Oklahoma. This involved creating all new video based content, interactive activities and discussions, bridging the Canvas and Connect pages to interface correctly with each other, and having a template built for future instructors to leverage and personalize when they teach the course.

Econ 3113: Intermediate Micro

Description: This course focuses on the fundamental economic concepts that underpin consumer and producer choice theory. After introducing the concepts of supply, demand, and how they interact to form the theory of value determination, the course focuses on trying to better understanding market dynamics under differing levels of competition. Traditional models of equilibrium analysis are used to understand perfect competition and monopoly settings, while the tools of game theory are used to investigate Oligopoly settings with limited competition. Understanding marginal analysis and how it helps solve interesting real world economic problems is the central theme for the material. Student performance is evaluated using quizzes, exams, and a short paper exploring the nature of a real-world economic puzzle of your choice. Course prerequisite: Principles of Microeconomics

Econ 3113 Syllabus

Dual Credit Macro and Micro Economics

From 2011-2016 I taught both AP Macro Economics and also Principles of Macroeconomics Dual Credit at Cypress Lakes High School in Cypress Texas and also with Lone Star College. I taught the dual credit class at the high school and then was a adjunct professor at Lone Star College.