"You've got to be a thermostat rather than a thermometer. A thermostat shapes the climate of opinion;

a thermometer just reflects it." ...Cornel West

homeless jesus

Timothy Schmalz, 2013

A controversial sculpture of Jesus, depicted as a homeless person on a bench, is to be a focal point for events marking the World Day of the Poor on 17 November. The sculpture is a visual representation of Matthew 2 and depicts the Christ figure shrouded in a blanket with his face covered with the only indication that the figure is Jesus being the visible wounds on the feet.

"Homeless Jesus was always intended to challenge people's views of the poor right in front of us," said Timothy Schmalz. "I'm thrilled that it is going even further in inspiring others to take concrete action to serve them."

The World Day of the Poor is intended to inspire people worldwide to greater service of the poor and marginalized.