
"What you do when you don't have to, determines what you will be when you can no longer help it." ...Rudyard Kipling

I have been involved with CMC Adventure since January 1990 when I arrived as a trainee instructor. Over the years I have worked, volunteered and generally made a nuisance of myself fairly consistently. CMC has changed and enriched my life and continues to do so. I have made life-long friends and had the privilege of meeting and working with some truly amazing people.

CMC Adventure, originally known as The Christian Mountain Centre, is a faith organisation where all staff are Christian. Established in 1966, CMC’s main charitable objective still stands today: "To educate adults and children with all necessary facilities through outdoor pursuit activities to develop their physical capabilities and their mental and spiritual awareness as individuals and as members of society and so that their conditions of life may be improved.”


“To encourage young people and adults to develop an awareness of the wonders of God’s creation and to explore the Christian faith through exciting and challenging outdoor activities. By enabling them to develop their physical, mental and spiritual capabilities as individuals and members of society, we desire to help them live life to the full.”


“To provide opportunities for adventure and outdoor education in a welcoming and inclusive Christian residential environment.”

There is no pressure whatsoever on any visitors to accept the Christian viewpoint or include any Christian activity in their programmes. CMC Adventure welcomes people from all backgrounds, faiths and cultures.


I am avid collector of current and vintage Victorinox Swiss Army Knives. I brought my first one when I was fourteen years old and very quickly spilt my own blood when the saw blade closed on my finger

Soldier 1891 - Heritage


Nespresso Pioneer Limited Edition 2019

Alox Farmer X