PhD Students

Zoe Goldsborough (MPI-AB and Uni-Konstanz IMPRS)

Odd Jacobson (MPI-AB and Uni-Konstanz IMPRS)


Meredith Carlson (PhD candidate, guest from UC Davis Department of Anthropology)

Tatiane Valença (PhD candidate, DAAD fellow and guest from University of São Paulo )

Masters Students

Lucia Bruscagnin (MS Student, LMU München)

HiWis and Techs

Evelyn Del Rosario-Vargas (STRI)

Leonie Reetz (University of Konstanz)

Current  and Previous Collaborators

Lucy Aplin (MPI Ornithology)

Meg Crofoot (UC Davis)

Tamara Dogandzic (MONREPOS | Archäologisches Forschungszentrum und Museum für menschliche Verhaltensevolution)

Mary Brooke McElreath (MPI Evolutionary Anthropology)

Richard McElreath (MPI Evolutionary Anthropology)

Claudio Monteza-Moreno (MPI-AB and Uni-Konstanz IMPRS)

Susan Perry (UCLA Department of Anthropology)