Benjamin Braun
Professor of Mathematics
Director of Graduate Studies
Department of Mathematics
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506-0027 USA
Phone: (859) 257-6810
Fax: (859) 257-4078
Email: benjamin.braun "at" uky "dot" edu
Office: 831 Patterson Office Tower
Office Hours (Fall 2024): Mon 1pm, Wed 1pm, and by appointment
About Me
I am a Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Kentucky. My mathematical research is in geometric, algebraic, and topological combinatorics, specifically the study of integer points in rational polytopes and cones, quasi-polynomials and generating functions, integer partitions and compositions, simplicial and cell complexes arising in combinatorics, graphs and associated matrices, graded algebras and associated resolutions, Groebner bases and triangulations, and applications of combinatorics.Â
I also have research interests at the intersection of the humanities, social sciences, teaching and learning, and mathematics, related to topics such as active learning, using writing in mathematics courses, history of mathematics, math and social justice, critical theory (especially feminist and reader-response), and connections between mathematics education and other disciplines. I serve as a co-organizer of the University of Kentucky Mathematics Community and Ethics Working Group.
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