
Figure 4. Image of the survey I created and used for my primary research.

To reach a large group of people and gain their insight on collaboration and peer response, I sent a survey to all the students in my UWP1Y class. These students were of different writing backgrounds and had varying levels of experience with peer feedback. The exact questions I asked my fellow students were,

  • How many people normally edit your essays?

  • How helpful do you find peer feedback/response?

  • How do you normally come up with essay topics?

  • How much peer feedback do you prefer?

  • What percentage of peer response/feedback do you normally incorporate into your writings?

  • Describe any positive or negative experiences you have had with peer response/feedback.

My primary research gave me valuable information pertaining to the general views that college students hold on peer response and feedback. However, to gain further knowledge of my topic I conducted secondary research. I utilized both academic journals and research articles to supplement the information from the primary research I conducted.