Miscellaneous Crap

Other Releases

Reserved for content that I've made that may not be up to my current standards, but that I'm still proud of.

Shaggy by BeanFan112

Started sometime during November 2023. About as ultra-instinct as you can get.

This Shaggy is quite janky, and isn't of high quality. His AI's powerful, but somewhat spammy and annoying.

 Shouldn't be taken seriously. At all.

Kitty Katswell by MOC1105, M/VCB2003/Foxyall, and B_R1997 (Me lol)

A minor edit I did during August 2023, with a few fixes afterward. Comes as a full character.

Cleans up many flaws of the original edit, and stabilizes the AI. Her AI code is awfully basic, and a bit strange at times too.

My edit uses an alternate small port by default, which may as well be a likely indicator for which version you have.

Private AI Patches

I'm not going to release these unless if somebody really wants one of them or if I decide to full-on retool one of these guys.

Goomba by Monkeyx5 (MLSS Sprites)

Not up to current standard, and fairly weak. May retool soon.

Note: He's among my earliest potatoes, and a later AI overhaul didn't improve his AI by that much.

Chowder by Placemario (Old Ver.)

Probably the oldest AI patch I've done that I haven't disposed of. He's a potato.

Note: The Chowder I patched predates the AK-47 update.


Can kind of hold her own, but is still quite the potato.

MKT AI's (Preach407, I.C Weiner, The Traveler and Slade)

TBH I don't fricking know why I did these guys up. Some of the charm was lost when I AI patched these dudes, and they still aren't that good against other fighters.

Homer by Warner and Judgespear (Team S.M.R.T)

His AI is pretty solid, but this Homer's dated, and the AI isn't up to my current standards either. His AI also never got completed.

Juli by DivineWolf

More of a gimmick AI done to push the limits of parrying with helpers. She can go daigo without needing hitoverride.

Yoma Komatsu by BBH

An AI patch that ended up being a rather jobby one compared to most of my others. Never got 100% completed.


Not gonna be released or worked on again for obvious reasons lol. No more context needed.

Ghetto War Machine by Melvana and T_N

Not much of an improvement over the original AI. His default AI's good enough for him. For now at least.

Tom by Zobbes

Not up to my current standards, and he should stay as a weak, enjoyable fighter. I recently did a basic retooling of his AI, but I'm still not releasing it for the time being.

Ricepidgeon 2hus

IKEMEN GO only due to using exclusive triggers. I got through fully AI patching THIZ Reimu and Yuuka, nearly completed THIZ Meiling, and I did a half-job one in the form of THIZ Sumireko. I'll probably re-AI patch them some day to make them 1.1 compatible, and smarter too.

Jenny by CyberAkumaTV

Superseded by Mayyyro/Poyochan's AI patch for her. I still have my own AI lying around for her though.

Poyo's AI: https://www.andersonkenya1.net/files/file/3908-jenny-xj9/

Dead AI Patches

Here are some AI patches that I made that I used to have, but got rid of.

Dr. Robotnik by FredderyII - Replaced with Aperson98/Blazemanxd's version. May get the Halis-patched version some day. This was the first AI patch I did, back in 2022.

Squidward by Warioman - Replaced with Giko/IceyTheKirb's version. I might AI patch this one soon.

Suave Dude by Masukenpu-kun - Replaced with Jyuk's AI patch.

Peter Griffin by Team S.M.R.T - Replaced with xXPGlitz236Xx's version. Similar situation to Squidward with potential AI patching.

Bomberman by Gladiacloud - Replaced with Holn's AI patch.

Finn by MOC1105 - Also replaced with Holn's AI patch.

King Harkinian by The Answer - Replaced with TwistedSynapse's version. I think this might have been the second AI patch I did.

Dizzy by Muteki - Replaced with Nateruo's AI patch. TBH I'm not sure why I did this one. :|

Fox by DarkWolf13 - I kinda just deleted this one unfortunately. I'll likely give him a new AI somewhere down the line.

Cirno by Ricepidgeon - Replaced with Resentone's BBTAG version, which was edited off of RP's version.

MVC Arina by G.Knux19 - Nearly forgot this one. Replaced by NHK/FLAM's version.

Len by ⑨ - Replaced with Shao's AI patch. This one was quite hard to find, and I think some of the AI patches he did for ⑨'s other MB characters may be lost.

Note: I slightly modified Len: I use the  Mugen 1.1-exclusive 1.00 version (which can only be found and downloaded from Mugen Archive from my knowledge), and Shao's AI was made for the 0.97 version, so I had to tweak a few variables to get the AI patch to work.