Call for Papers

The Business Process Innovations with Artificial Intelligence (BPAI) workshop focuses on the interplay between two fields: Business Process Management (BPM) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). On the one hand, BPM inspires novel application domains for Artificial Intelligence: planning for modeling of business processes, Machine Learning (ML) for mining event logs, and constraint reasoning as key technology that underlies business rules engines. On the other hand, BPM and related fields influence the way AI develops as a field. For example, AI is often discussed as the next disruptive technology that will threaten millions of jobs and automate a manifold of business activities that today require qualified human workers. One of the main questions is how humans and AI systems will work together in new models of division of labor between humans and machines during process execution: how AI has changed the business process design, how it has influenced the role of humans within the business process and what solutions were developed to address questions such as novel requirements on employee qualification, shared responsibilities between AI and humans, control and impact of automated decision making.


The intended audience includes academic researchers from AI/ML and BPM fields to practitioners with a business or industrial background.


Type and content

We will accept different types of contributions:

  • Scientific papers following the format of the BPM conference and having a length of up to 16 pages
  • Short papers that discuss use cases and report on early results and initial experiments with a length of up to 8 pages
  • Statements of interest are 2-6 page descriptions open open problems or issues that are of interest to a wider audience.

Authors of selected papers from BPAI will be invited to submit an extended and improved version to a Special Issue of the Journal on Data Semantics.

Papers can address, but are not limited to the following topics

  • Early experiences with cognitive services in business processes
  • Enterprise architectures for AI-based process solutions
  • Impact of AI on the division of labor between humans and machines
  • Quantification of operational risk of AI in BPM solutions
  • Managing AI-triggered business process reengineering
  • Optimization gains with AI and ROI investigations
  • Applications of AI technologies to Business Process Modelling and Optimization
  • Potential for AI in industry-specific business processes (retail, e-commerce, finance, manufacturing, healthcare)
  • Social impact, e.g. elimination and creation of job profiles
  • Impact of AI technology on BPM-related standards such as BPMN, CMMN and DMN
  • Application and adaptation of AI approaches (e.g., ML techniques as clustering, inductive learning, deep learning, NLP; logical reasoning; verification; search and optimization algorithms) to the BPM domain
  • Application of machine learning to (Data-Driven) BPM
  • BPM issues (e.g., BPM modelling, optimization, matching, mining, prediction) that can be solved with AI methods and techniques
  • Case studies introducing relevant business scenarios, application reports and empirical evaluations

Submission Instructions

Papers should be written in English, following the Springer LNCS format. All submissions will be reviewed by the workshop organizers and selected PC members. The submission process will be managed using the Easychair conference management system. Depending on the quality of submissions, we also consider to publish long versions of papers and challenge statements in a special issue of the Journal on Data Semantics.

Submissions should be made via the Easychair system through the BPAI 2017 submission page.

Important Dates

Submission: May 26, 2017 June 5, 2017

Notification: June 26, 2017

Camera Ready: July 7, 2017

Workshop: September 11, 2017

Download the call for papers