We accept donations through our paypal account
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Please let us know that you donated by sending us an email to
You can donate to:
The Building Maintenance Fund
This fund is voluntary, however the expectation is every member should contribute $10 per month for the general maintenance and upkeep of the building. Many member choose to pay $120 for the entire year.
The Bike Program:
The Benavidez Patterson All Airborne Chapter of the 82nd Airborne Division Association is an educational based organization that generously gives back to local schools on a reoccurring basis. Many years ago, the Veterans of the Chapter established a Bike Program in which 10 Children from partnered local schools would receive a bicycle as a part of the schools end of year awards.
The Chapter has partnered with four area schools and is seeking your assistance with the donations of children’s Bicycles. The Chapter’s Goal is to provide a total of 10 bicycles to each school.
The Scholarship Fund
The Chapter awards annual scholarships to our chapter member's children and grandchildren on a competitive basis.