To get from point A to point B, we're going to need your support.

We are raising funds to assist in our efforts to boycott PBIDs in Sacramento. These business improvement districts are a driving force behind gentrification and the further criminalization of our unhoused neighbors. They work to make public space fit their business needs in collusion with elected officials, creating a conflict of interest and putting the needs of profiteers over the needs of residents.

Funds will be used to purchase fliers, print out informational leaflets, copies of our survey, art supplies and a joint benefit show benefiting both the Boycott effort and Community Dinner Project.

The proceeds from the benefit will be split between our Boycott PBIDs effort, and Community Dinner Project. Community Dinner Project serves a mostly organic meal every Tuesday at city hall. Volunteers arrive at 4:00pm. After serving, members attend the city council meeting to address issues within our community, mostly surrounding homelessness. It is a grassroots effort made up 100% by volunteers and activists.

Interested in organizing with us? Contact