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A group of people are standing around, possibly in the same formation as bowling pins, and a large, often spherical object crashes into them and sends them flying. An appropriate sound effect is optional.

Bowling Strike Sound Effect Free Download

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Live-Action TV  In Rescue from Gilligan's Island, the Skipper and Gilligan rescue Mary Ann from a wedding that neither she nor the groom wants to go through with by scooping her up in a wagon full of watermelons just before they get to the "I Do"s. A bunch of people run after them, and they throw the watermelons at the chasers to make them stop. Comes complete with bowling SFX and Gilligan lampshading "Hey Skipper, I got a strike!" In the Married... with Children episode "You Better Shop Around (Part 2)," Al ensures his family wins the Supermarket Sweep-like challenge with the D'arcys by tripping up Jefferson and Marcy with a bowled turkey. Complete with "Steeeeeeee-rike!" In My Name Is Earl, Earl is trying to convince a policeman that he should be a bowler. He shows the officer the list of misdeeds he is trying to fix, but the policeman immediately arrests Earl as it's more or less an evidence of his numerous crimes. Earl tries to run away, and the officer knocks him down, but lets him go afterward, because he did that with a bowling ball, thus proving Earl's point. One of the stages of the Japanese game show Takeshi's Castle involved the contestants picking cards dressing them up in bowling pins and having a guard roll a giant ball at them Ultraman Ginga have this happening in the final episode, where Exceller's alien henchmen, with a bunch of Mecha-Mooks, tries detaining the (human-sized) heroes. One of the henchmen gets shoved into a group of mooks, and as a hilarious nod to The Matrix Reloaded it's accompanied by the sound of bowling pins being knocked over!

Theatre  The Reginald de Koven opera Rip van Winkle has a ball-less variation. Rip, having drunk the Magic Flask, is revealed as young once more, and, as the stage directions put it, "the astounded and terror-struck Dutch folk... tumble over like rows of ninepins." Hendrick Hudson's voice then rings out, in a Call-Back to the bowling scene: "A strike for Rip and Peterkee!"

Theme Parks  In the former Jimmy Neutron's Nicktoon Blast ride at Universal Studios Florida, Ooblar accidentally rams into a group of Yolkians set up like pins, resulting in this, complete with the sound effect as well as Ooblar yelling "STRIKE!".

Video Games  In Army Men: Sarge's Heroes, in the Cut Scene before the the final mission, Sarge confronts General Plastro who says he will use the last remaining portal to destroy the Green Nation and marry Vicky Grimm, they share the following dialogue:Sarge: She wouldn't marry you on your best day.Plastro: How about my worst? [Sarge kicks over a wooden block, and knocks down some Tan soldiers, guarding Plastro, off a ledge, complete with a wooden pins being knocked down sound effect] In Day of the Tentacle, there's a bowling ball that you see for nearly the entire game, but which is too heavy to pick up. In the climax, our heroes are merged into one body, and the Evil Minions guard their captive in bowling-pin formation. Guess what? The three heroes together are now strong enough to pick up the bowling ball. If you can get past the Big Bad who's now guarding the room it's in... In Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories, one map during the Tournament Arc has Adell and Rozalin encounter ten of Etna's Prinnies, who challenge them to a game of bowling. As soon as they assume their formation, Adell warns them that they're in for a bad time, as the map also contains a black "12-Pounder" Prinny to serve as the ball. In Evolution Worlds, Mag can actually acquire and equip Bowling parts for his cyframe which can knock over enemies in the form of this trope. Played for Laughs in Jazzpunk where the player is escaping from a band of mooks by barging past them, resulting in the sound of bowling pins being knocked over. Lampshaded twice - firstly when one mook utters, "Bowling joke" before being knocked over, and secondly when the last group of mooks contains a giant bowling pin in mook clothing. Kid Icarus: Uprising: one room in the Chariot Master's tower is set up like this; one of the giant boulders that can be struck with a melee attack to send it flying, sitting at the top of a slope, at the bottom of which are a group of Monoeyes. It's actually not that easy to get a strike... on a single downhill send, but as the ball can also bounce back up the slope, Pit's more likely to take them all out with one hit than not.Viridi: Hey, look! It's a giant bowling ball and some ugly bowling pins! 

Hades: My troops are a worthy sacrifice for the sport of kings! At one point in the D23 Tokyo 2018 trailer for Kingdom Hearts III, Sora grabs Mike Wazowski and rolls him like a bowling ball at a group of Heartless, complete with a strike sound effect and said Heartless lined up in ten-pin formation. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption has an area where ten enemies are lined up like bowling pins and marching forward. Players who see this for what it is and run into them as a morph ball are rewarded with an achievement. The Massive Multiplayer Crossover PlayStation Move Heroes has "Bowling" as one of the five weapons classes, joining the Frisbee of Death as Improbable Weapons. Both Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Donkey Kong Country Returns feature Mooks shaped like bowling pins for you to run over with Rolling Attacks.

An exciting race against Time!! $2.95 per person Players are immersed in a vibrant UV themed room with 3-D props and facades. Heart-pumping music, sound effects, and voice prompts add to the excitement. When the game is complete, players will see their scores displayed on the Scoring Monitor. Compare with other players and see how they stack up against the daily, monthly and all time high scores. Recommended for children 3 and older.

An exciting Lazer Frenzy! $2.95 per person Players are immersed in a vibrant UV themed room with 3-D props and facades. Heart-pumping music, sound effects, and voice prompts add to the excitement. When the game is complete, players will see their scores displayed on the Scoring Monitor. Compare with other players and see how they stack up against the daily, monthly and all time high scores. Recommended for children 3 and older

When I was a very small child my family got a PS1. It was originally for my Dad, but my younger brother and I quickly took it over. We only had a few games on it for a long time, and one of these was Animaniacs Ten Pin Alley. I absolutely loved that game and played it constantly, often for hours on end. I was pretty horrible at it, but enjoyed it nonetheless. For quite awhile now I've been wanting to explore bowling games again, but couldn't really decide on which one to buy. I then came across Crazy Strike Bowling EX with its anime girls drawing me in like I'm a cartoon bear that just caught the scent of pie on a windowsill, but sadly, the girls lead me astray. Instead of a pie they just beat me up in the back alley and took my money. In other words, it was a lukewarm return to the genre.


This is a bowling game with no story, so lets dive right into the gameplay. The game was originally released on PS4 in 2016, but the Switch version makes Wii-like use of the Joycons. The game actually provides you with two ways to play, motion controls, and with the controller buttons like a normal video game. I was surprised to see that it allowed motion controls, got myself in position, and without the safety straps engaged, started flinging my arms wildly at the screen. The motion controls are very simple, it basically tries to emulate real bowling. You'll need to be fully standing to play it this way. You swing your arm as if you're throwing your ball. You hold down one of the buttons and let go while you do this, and a turn of your wrist can add spin to the ball. This sounds pretty cool, but its both unresponsive and very easy at the same time. 

The speed of your arm movement is meant to transfer over to the game, but it didn't really work. The movement speed in the game shows in a bar that fills when you're going faster. This will bounce up and down, even after you've tried to cast your ball, then the ball will just suddenly ping from your character at whatever speed it happened to be at. This sounds like it would throw every throw, but it oddly didn't. As long as you throw straight, you get a perfect game every time, even if the game has a stroke while you're playing. Throw it at the speed of light? Perfect strike! Throw it at the speed of tectonic plates in a non-earthquake prone region? Perfect strike! There's basically no way to mess it up, the game just hands you perfect games, it was way too easy. Obviously with it being this easy, just perfect games without even trying, I quickly moved to controller mode to see if it provided a more balanced experience. 

I put the Joycons back in the Switch's weird little controller thing, and was ready to re-experience my youth. In controller mode the game becomes a lot like old bowling games. You move your character horizontally to choose your starting position. You then get to add the angle, throwing dead ahead, or diagonally. The game then lets you decide if you wish to add spin, and in which direction. A sliding scale appears that jumps up and down, this marks the ball's speed, and you have to click it at your desired speed. It moves fairly fast so it might take a little bit of practice to be able to get it where you want. You then get another sliding meter, this is to decide the straightness of your throw. There's a thin white line, the sweet zone, green "safe" areas, and the dreaded red zone, where you basically just get a gutter ball. The game obviously wants you to go for the white section, but I have purposely made the ball slightly off-center to land certain shots if a situation calls for it, or if I made a mistake earlier. To prevent you from redoing stuff to get it perfect, all your decisions are final, so if you make a mistake, you sometimes have to get creative to try to save it, which is all part of the fun.

I was quite excited when I saw all of these sliding scales and placement decisions. I went through the button-based non-flailing-my-arms motions, and, what would you know, a perfect strike. Do it again, wow, another! Again, and again, I kept getting strikes, and I had only just started playing the game. I then quickly discovered a pattern that essentially guaranteed strikes, making the game even easier. I don't know if I'm just a sudden expert of bowling games, or if this game is just extremely easy to pick up, but it wasn't challenging at all in its base gameplay, which made it quickly get a bit dull to play. I found myself purposely being reckless just so I would be imperfect and have to clean up, but even then I would often get strikes and spares, I almost never left a pin behind. This game doesn't even have bumpers, and you don't even need them. 

Now though, the game does provide a few different modes of play, different characters and balls, and some actual challenges. The main game mode is just your normal bowling; throw a ball at some pins a few times, done. This is the easiest mode of the game too, as described above, it takes very little effort to get strikes and spares in this game, you'll basically be an expert as soon as you start. When playing in this mode you're technically competing against two CPUs, but it feels like you're playing by yourself. It never updates you on the scores of your foes, and you never see how well they did, you just get shown what places people are in at the end. Oddly enough it seemed pretty broken as well. I always played as Chloe, and also, I always challenged Chloe. This was pretty funny, and it was like this every time. When you're playing you can see NPCs playing in the other lanes, half the time you wont even see anyone that you're apparently challenging even playing, and when I did, it was always my clone.

Now, the placements, this got weird. Obviously, I should be unbeatable with my God-like skills, but the game will sometimes seemingly lock you into 2nd place, no matter how well you did. Like, you'll just repeatedly get 2nd place no matter what, but then if you exit it and go back in, you return to getting 1st place. Sometimes after a game it wont even say what place you're in, and I just had to guess which Chloe was me. I'm not sure how they messed this up in such unusual ways. Just normal bowling should be the best part of this game, its the bread and butter, but its just way too simple, and the challenge aspect just isn't immersive or functional enough to add interest. I would've really liked to have some kind of tournament, or at least be updated on enemy scores throughout the game, instead of just taking their word for it. 

So, the basic bowling is what it is and all, but the game quickly steps out of reality and into weird arcade game territory. You also have the option to play the game in crazy mode, this basically operates in the same way as normal, where you're apparently challenging two CPUs. But now, you have all kinds of wild stuff going on. Basically, each character has a special ability that gets charged by earning points and getting certain power-ups. These special abilities are activated before a throw, and they only last for that throw. When you're playing with motion controls, you simply move the controller like how it shows on the screen, its really easy. Controller based is a bit more difficult, you get a series of buttons that you have to click quickly, which is easier said than done, especially considering how psychotic the buttons are on the Switch; but thankfully its limited to only four buttons. If you do this successfully, the special ability will activate. Chloe's is adding ice bumpers to the lane. 

In addition to special abilities are also obstacles and power-ups. Up and down the lane will be obstacles that you need to work around. These are small robots, that looks more like toaster-radio-hybrids than robots, which essentially act as walls. They'll sit in place or scoot side to side. There are also these small things that are nearly flat, I will call them buzzers. The buzzers essentially seem to either vibrate when hit or redirect your ball, often immediately into the gutter or in some other horrible direction. You'll want to be avoiding these, but often the game will put such an absurd amount that there isn't any possible way to avoid them. The moving robots also never seem to match up in your favor, you're a bit tied to the moving meters, and they'll often be in the way when the meters are where you want. 

The power-ups appear as presents on the lane, you just have to touch them to get them. These power-ups must be used before you grab another one, if you get another power-up it will replace the one you were currently holding. Sometimes these are placed in areas that work, and sometimes they're placed immediately in front of obstacles, basically making them useless. These power-ups do things such as refilling your special move instantly, removing all obstacles, and even super-sizing your ball, and everyone knows that you always want to be as large as possible when doing an obstacle course.

You might think Chloe's ability to create bumpers would be useful. You have buzzers that literally send your ball to the gutter, so surely these should help, right? Well no, not at all, these actually cause so many problems that I stopped using them. The bumpers are essentially made out of concentrated bouncy balls, if you even just graze them your ball will immediately ricochet like you just shot a super ball out of the hadron collider directly into a wall. It will literally shoot sideways across the entire bowling alley, fly down other lanes, shoot up through the ceiling, and more. Its of course hilarious to watch this play out, its pure chaos. Its amazing how broken the physics are here, just a single bumper is throwing a heavy bowling ball straight into the ceiling. The bumpers don't even do their job, a lot of the buzzers are towards the back end of the lane, and the bumpers cut off at that point, leaving you still unprotected. Their insane bounciness seems to only work with forwards and sideways collisions as well, if you hit a robot and bounce back, they suddenly do nothing. 

 So, these modes might get a bit weird, but are still bowling. The game also has some more experimental modes. The first is VS, and no, this isn't to see who can bowl better. Its like a weird fighting game where you fight an enemy. You're playing from opposite ends of a single lane, and you knock their pins to do damage. The balls can collide as well. Its an interesting concept but was just too bizarre for me. There's also challenges, these will be things like scoring points in a time limit, trying to get repeated strikes, or even logic puzzles. This can actually get a lot tougher than you think. The game will present some kind of bowling pin problem, then you need to figure it out and actually be able to bowl it as well. My main issue though with this is that it decides your character for you, which actually does matter a lot, which I'll explain later on, but essentially the characters do play a bit differently.

In crazy mode and the challenges the game gets a lot more complex, you no longer straight shoot. In both of these you'll basically be forced to use spin and weird angles, which is fun, but sadly the game can feel broken in crazy mode, or just get not too captivating in challenge mode. Battle mode was just pointless all around. I really would've liked to see some normal game modes like a tournament, stuff you would expect a bowling game to have. Don't get me wrong, I actually did have some fun playing this game, but it would've been way better with some better thought out modes.

Back to the characters, they actually do play differently. I stuck to Chloe as I'm the kind of gamer who tends to stick to one character and just focuses on mastering them and them alone. But, I had to play as various characters in the challenges. Some aren't that divergent, but one was completely different, with really powerful and wild throwing that was hard to control. Thankfully there was only one really unbalanced character, and his design is atrocious, so not too much is lost there; but I really didn't like having to use him in some of the challenges. You also can unlock various things like new bowling alleys, clothes, and bowling balls. You earn points and go up in rank as you play, then you just spend the points on what you want. The balls do have stats but I honestly didn't notice much of a difference. One of the balls is really tiny, and the others just give bonuses for crazy mode. If you play it in the normal mode, there really is never a need to change your ball.

Graphics & Sound

The game is obviously meant to have an anime aesthetic, but it looks a lot more like PachiPara, with its weird cheap graphics of oddly rendered anime girls beckoning to pachinko addicted old men. What I'm trying to say is, yes it uses an anime aesthetic, but its kind of cheap looking, like those low budget kigurumi masks, like Chloe is cute, but she could've (and should've) been cuter. My screenshots in this review are her at her best moments, you'll understand what I mean immediately if you decide to purchase this game yourself or watch some gameplay footage. The people are also a bit stylized, with larger than average hands and the sort. Some of the males look a bit cartoonish proportion wise. In general though, despite all of that, the character graphics were pretty fine, I actually like it when games have subpar graphics (the PS2 and PS1 are some of my favorite systems, and I love their graphics). The CPU bowlers are quite something; large creepy bears, e-girls, WWI fighter plane pilots, clones, you know, the usual.

The bowling alleys are definitely where the graphics shine in this game, they're really creative and well made. You have a few standard alleys, these were my favorites as they looked like actual bowling alleys. You also have a lot of themed ones, these can get really unusual, such as a farm world. Many of these themed ones are outdoors and do not look or feel like a bowling alley at all, but were quite imaginative and looked really good. Also the pins changed for each alley, which was an awesome touch. Sadly though, there were some major flaws with some of these worlds. The ice world has the pins the same color as everything else so they're really hard to see. A few of the areas are also missing markers on the ground, which makes it hard to line up your shot. 

Seriously, whoever thought this was a good idea must suffer from color blindness and intentionally decided to be an evil villain and make us all suffer as well. Or its just bad level design, one or the other, but an evil color blind mastermind is a bit more interesting than inept dude trying to make a few bucks off a lazy niche bowling game. The game has a lot of clipping issues too. In some alleys they will clip into the ball return, and not by a little, they'll literally be standing entirely in objects. You can unlock clothes, such as the cute schoolgirl uniform you see above. Looks good, right? Well, her entire legs clip through it when she moves. I guess this colorblind evil whack job also has a problem with walking through solid objects and wanted to torture us over that too.

The bowling alleys seem to be haunted too, if you look behind your character during the final scoring screens, the world is still running, but not fully. This results in bowling balls sometimes floating around through the air, which is extremely funny, but is definitely something that shouldn't be happening. Another hilarious thing about balls, the game tries to be fancy by adding a reflection on the bowling balls. This is really cool when it lines up, but it always shows the same reflection, no matter where the ball is, or what angle you're facing it, I oddly found this really funny.

Something that the game did do really well though, which surprised me, was its attempt to bring the bowling alley experience to your home. The game has a glove mascot, you're always getting silly little video clips of the glove mascot that are reminiscent of bowling alley score screen animations. But, these went on for too long and I just skipped past them.

The audio in this game is quite mixed. There were some really amazing songs in this, I loved the music for the alley that looked like a suave nightclub, sounds like CDs I own. A lot of the alleys had good music, but some of the music was really unfitting for a bowling game. The China themed map has music more akin to those weird map modes in SoulCalibur games. The Halloween themed world's music just was flat and boring. Most of the music in this game though was surprisingly pretty good, just a few tracks seemed out of place.

The voices though on the other hand, it sounds not that great. You get little sound effects from the people, and it just sounds like you searched "anime voice" on a royalty free sound effect website. Its obviously there as it would be weird if the characters didn't make sound, but it wasn't that good. I'm not knocking points for this, they just obviously didn't want to spend their budget on high quality voice acting for a game that really doesn't need it, but it is worth noting.


Uh oh, you know there's issues if I add this section. This game isn't really that stable. It crashed on me twice. One crash it froze, nothing was responding, the controller disconnected, reconnected, then it suddenly began working again. The other time it crashed it crashed fully, the game closed. The game also gets weirdly laggy for a short period if you spend too much time outside of the game, such as looking at screen captures you took for your game review. 


Overall, this is just a cheap rather mediocre bowling game. It suffers from being too easy, weird modes, a lot of things being underdeveloped, and such a boatload of small issues its like Noah's Ark but if he only let bad game developers get on board. Despite its flaws, I actually didn't have a bad time playing this, I did have some level of fun, but a game should provide a lot of fun, not just some fun. The game could've been a 7, but there's just too many issues here to possibly give it such a rating, but also I did have some fun here, so a 5 is too harsh. I did have some fun playing this, but honestly its just not really worth buying, its an overly easy weird bowling game with a lot of issues that's only relatively fun for a day or two. 


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